This one. This one he wanted to take home and play with. A thinking sub with a sassy mouth and a sense of humor—someone who wanted to be forced to be respectful. His home office rose to mind, along with the big wooden desk. He’d lean her over it, spank her, lecture her. And she would be completely impossible.

Ambrose moved up beside her and grabbed her hair again. She whined and looked up at him with round, nervous eyes. There was a spark there, showing it was an act. She wouldn’t be so easily cowed.

Against his own good advice, he kissed her. When she kissed him back, she whimpered into his mouth. It didn’t feel like she was acting.

He pulled back and looked down at her momentarily dazzled expression, wishing like hell he weren’t leaving town for a few days. Being social at the wedding was going to be hard with this little brat wreaking havoc in his head. “Are you ready to be a good girl for me now, Everly?”

There was a moment where he could actually see her throw off the submissive responses he’d won from her. Instead of pissing him off, it excited him. Just how much dominance would it take to keep her subby? If he ever got her into subspace, how long until she fought it off again?

Mischief sparked in her gaze.

“I don’t know.” She smiled up at him sweetly. “If I’m a good girl, do I get a treat?”

* * *

The ocean breeze stirred the white sheers covering the bedroom window. The scent of cool, salty ocean had Ambrose wishing they had time to go for a swim. But no such luck.

“Does my tie look straight?” Banner stared at himself in the full-length mirror in the corner of the hotel room.

“Yup, but your best man doesn’t.” Rook snickered. Konstantin laughed and high-fived Banner’s younger brother.

“Lads, this isn’t the time for tomfoolery. We’re in the middle of a necktie crisis.” Ambrose pointed at Banner. “Look at that man! We can’t send him to his fate looking like that. Kate would leave him at the altar and I’d be forced to marry her, myself.”

Banner arched a brow at him. “Fuck off. You had your chance.”

Ambrose shook his head. “It was always you she wanted, the silly girl. There’s no accounting for taste. Personally, I find you repulsive. And you can’t even cook.”

“I may not be able to cook, but I keep her mouth busy.”

“Hoooo, heyyyyy. TMI. No roughing the listener.” Rook pretended to clap his hands over his ears, but the teenager rarely missed anything. “I still think you should have gone with a bowtie.” He shook his head in disapproval.

“A bowtie is too formal for a beach wedding.”

“It’s your wedding. If you want a bowtie, I’ll go out there right now and mug a concierge.” Konstantin cracked his knuckles. His accent made him sound dangerous, even though he was joking. Maybe.

“Stand down. Ixnay on the bowtie idea. Kate likes a regular tie.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard all about how much she likes you in a suit.” Konstantin laughed. “Your dry cleaning bill must be enormous.”

“Like his dick,” Ambrose shot back.

Rook snorted then went to Banner and straightened the offending tie. “You know, if you guys are into each other, you should probably call off the wedding. We’re keeping Kate though.”

“Which one of us do you think would be the top?” Without warning, Banner tackled Ambrose to the bed.

Ambrose worked at wrestling Banner to his back, but didn’t want to muss him too badly. “There’s no way I’m bottoming to you. I’ll leave the screaming orgasms to Kate.”

“Sixteen-year-old standing here.” Rook grimaced and waved his arms. “Shut up before I need more therapy.”

“If you two destroy your suits, Kate is going to kick your asses.” Konstantin pulled them apart.

Banner smiled and got to his feet, then straightened out his clothes. “Since when did you start caring about what women think?”

Konstantin checked his own reflection then turned back to Banner. “There’s a difference between the ones you play with and the one you marry. Toys are disposable. If you piss them off, there are others to take their place. Your wife is your wife. You don’t piss her off if you can avoid it. Forever is a long time.”

To Ambrose, forever with Kate didn’t sound like much of a chore. She was funny, smart, kinky, and hot, which was why Banner was probably the first guy in history who wasn’t nervous on his wedding day. Excited, yes. But not nervous.

Personally, Ambrose couldn’t imagine trusting forever.