He prowled in wearing jeans and nothing else, and she couldn’t help but gawk at his thickly muscled chest and arms. She got the feeling she’d be seeing the real him tonight. No more games. No more training.

Not a word of praise or thanks passed his lips for her obedience. Slaves were expected to kneel, to wait. That was becoming clear. He opened a cabinet and the array of implements it held stunned her. Flogger, crop, cane, whip, paddle—she knew those. There were other unpleasant-looking things that were a mystery. Now that he could do what he wanted to her, what would he do?

Fear and anticipation coursed through her, and she felt dizzy. Calm down, Kate, fainting isn’t sexy.

“My knees are getting sore. Are you going to leave me here all night?” The words were out before she could review them.

The smile he turned on her was terrifying.

“Impolite girls don’t get treated politely.” He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her to her feet, then made her hunch over before he walked her to the bed. “You’re used to being in charge, Kate, but tonight that’s not going to happen. Tonight I’ll do what I want, and you’ll thank me for it. Understood?” She grunted from the discomfort, and he must have taken it for agreement, because he resumed his lecture. “While you’re with me, you’re my toy—a thing for me to play with. If you want to be treated like a good girl, you need to act like one. Sassing will get you in a world of trouble.”

“I’m sorry, Sir.”

“You will be.”

His words were quiet, but the discipline they implied made her crazily hot.

“Kneel there.” He let go of her and pointed to the middle of the bed. Shaking with anticipation, she crawled there, then knelt.

What was her safeword again?

She craned her neck, trying to see what he was doing.

“Lie down.”

Just like that? No kissing her and seducing her into sex?

“On my stomach?”

Banner moved into view with two pillows, which he piled in front of her thighs before draping her over them. Exposed.

He went away and came back with rope.

“What are you going to do with that, Sir?”

Banner didn’t reply.

Dumb question. Point taken.

Faster than she would have thought possible, he had her tied spread-eagle to the bed. The sensation of the rope on her wrists and ankles and the feeling of being trapped were both working for her. She struggled, but nothing felt like it would give. Banner loomed over her, and she sucked in a breath.

“What do you think you deserve?”

“For being a tease tonight? I don’t know, Sir. Probably the same thing you do.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself. Idiot. Not a good time to sass.

“I was being a tease?”

“Um, yes?”

Did he seriously think that making her kneel and feeding her from his hand would have no effect? And what about the situation in the hallway upstairs? She hadn’t started that.

He slipped something between her pussy and the bed. She couldn’t see around herself to find out what he was up to. There was a click and a low buzzing started between her legs. Banner twisted the thing back and forth until it was pressed directly against her clit.

“Mmm.” She squirmed against it, but it wasn’t going fast enough to be anything more than a frustration. Still, as turned on as she was it might not take long.

“Teasing me after ending things wasn’t very nice.”

From her peripheral vision, she spotted him holding a cane. Where had that come from? She groaned.