She thrashed and wailed. “Daddy, please! Stop!”

“Mmm.” Janine muttered, “I love when they beg.”

Kate let out a chuckle. “Dirty.”

The Dom in the video stopped and rubbed the girl’s red ass, soothing her. She whimpered but stilled. Then his hand drifted lower, to between her legs. She gasped, and Kate almost did with her. The scene was captivating. The Daddy-Dom dynamic didn’t do anything for her, but the way he spoke to the girl and handled her, it was evident that they were the real deal. The connection between them was riveting. He talked dirty, and the way he alternated between punishing and teasing made Kate hot for Banner all over again.

A door slammed. Kate jumped and spun toward the noise. Janine did the same, blushing and looking guilty as hell. Kate was sure she wore the same expression.

Chris walked in, covered in a layer of dirt from his work in construction. He eyed them then arched a brow. “What are you two up to?”

For all her bravado about porn before, Janine stuttered. “Uhh. Research. For Kate.”

Chris leaned to the side to see the computer screen. Then his eyes widened. “Porn?” He tsked and shook his head, but Kate could tell he was teasing. “Naughty. Why is porn research? Does Kate not know about the birds and the bees yet?”

“Banner wants a slave,” Kate answered. “I’m just trying to figure out what exactly that means.”

He laughed, startling her. After placing his workbag on the floor by the door, he strolled to where they were sitting. “And you thought porn was the best place to look?”

Janine shrugged. “Seemed reasonable at the time.”

Leaning over his wife, he studied the video thumbnails. “A lot of this shit is role playing. It’s bad acting.” He clicked the X and the page disappeared. He turned to Kate. “If you want to learn what Banner wants, you should just ask him.”

Well, why didn’t she think of that? She rolled her eyes. “I have. Sort of.”

“Have you?” Chris watched her with a steady gaze that made her wither slightly. Did all Doms have that superpower?

“He wants absolute control. I can’t do that.”

Chris pursed his lips and nodded slowly. “Masters are often accustomed to being in charge. But does Banner seem like the kind of guy to force something you don’t want? Most Masters care intensely about their slaves’ needs and desires. They want to make their slaves happy, as much as they’re pleased by their obedience.”

She thought about her encounters with Banner. He seemed to keep her as his first priority—pushing her boundaries without disrespecting them.

“She’s his greatest treasure . . .” he’d said about subs.

She’d always associated the Master/slave dynamic with the Master mistreating or taking advantage of the slave, but Banner made it seem like it was the opposite: that a good Master put his slave up on a pedestal in his mind, even as she knelt on the floor at his feet. It was almost a game changer. Almost.

Until now, he’d accepted her calling the shots on how far they went, even though maybe she’d been a cock tease. She didn’t mean to make him suffer—she meant to keep things platonic, but their dynamic was so sexually charged it was impossible to deny herself. Ultimately, she was glad he’d called her on it. Not just because of the sex, but because it didn’t feel right to take advantage of their situation.

And that was why she had to end things the next day. She couldn’t continue to use him, and then cock-block him with her issues, but they couldn’t keep going down this rabbit hole of debauchery together either. As much as she liked him, it wasn’t worth getting her heart broken, or breaking his either.

When she snapped back to the conversation, Chris was leering at Janine. She’d told Kate before that after a long day on the job, he liked to fuck in the shower. And here Kate was sitting between them. Talk about cock-blocking.

“Uhh,” she started. “I gotta go.”

They were too lost in their own world to pay her much attention. Janine gave her a quick hug good-bye while Chris yelled “’bye” over his shoulder as he strode to the bathroom.

At the door, Kate gave Janine a mischievous look. “Have fun.”


The smell of fresh-ground coffee hit, second only to the sight of Banner at the corner table straight ahead. He wasn’t wearing a suit, to her dismay, but his black shirt made him look almost as dignified. Or maybe it was the five o’clock shadow on those high cheekbones. She regretted what she was about to do. She’d love to kiss those sexy lips one more time.

He stood up when she approached the table, and like a gentleman, pulled the chair out for her across from where he’d been sitting. Unexpectedly, he also pecked her on the cheek. The affection threw her off her game already, which didn’t bode well.

“Here.” He pushed a cup toward her. “I got your tea.”

“Thanks.” Vowing to keep her cool, despite the warmth of his lips lingering on her cheek, she sat down and looked at him. “Are you off today? I was expecting to see you in a suit.”