Tomorrow Kate would tell her all about Banner, what they’d done, and ask how she was going to get through this while keeping her heart intact. Being mastered was the last thing she thought she wanted, but she’d be damned if she hadn’t called a man Master tonight. A mistake she could never repeat.


The phone rang four times before Janine picked up, sounding harried. “What’s wrong, Kate?”

She bit her lip. “Sorry. It’s not an emergency or anything.” Although, admittedly, she’d called five times in the last two hours without leaving a message. That must’ve been some kind of record for them. She could see why Janine might be worried.

Her friend’s sigh echoed in the phone. “It’s my day off. I was trying to sleep in.”


“It’s okay. I’m up now.” She chuckled. “I can tell it’s important. You’re not usually so obnoxious. What happened?”

This should probably be handled delicately. Banner was a good friend of Chris’s, so she should be careful how she talked about him to her best friend, especially after swearing up and down to herself she wouldn’t go too far the first time.

“I slept with Banner,” she blurted.

Crap. Not so smooth.

Janine gasped. “Oh my god!” A squeal followed. “That’s awesome!”

“Noooo. No, no, no.” She didn’t need a cheering squad. What she needed was a slushy to the face and a wake-up call. “Not awesome. He’s a Master. I don’t want a Master. Did you forget that?”

Janine made a dismissive sound. “None of that matters. There are other things that are more important.”

“None of that matters?” She paced the length of her kitchen. “Of course it matters! He wants a slave. I’m not slave material. You know that.”



“Well,” her friend hedged. “Not in the traditional sense, but you have to keep an open mind. You haven’t tried much. Who knows what you’ll end up liking?”

“I do. And it’s not being a slave.” Holding the phone with her shoulder, she started making a cup of coffee. She’d need about a dozen of them to get through the day.

Janine chuckled. “He must want to spank you so bad.”


“You’re so stubborn! What does it matter what you call yourself? Do you like him? Did you like having sex with him?”

“Um.” Fuck yeah seemed too eager a response. “I guess.”

“You guess?”

“It was intense.” She grabbed the cream from the fridge and poured it in her mug, careful not to drop her phone in with it.

“Just don’t overthink it so much. Let what happens, happen.”

“Normally, I appreciate your hippy go-with-the-flow advice, but right now I need a reality check. We weren’t supposed to go that far. I think I made a mistake.”

“It’s only a mistake if you treat it that way. Brush it off and go back to where you’re comfortable.”

She considered that for a moment. It made sense. If Banner didn’t know it was a mistake to her, they could just start over, being more careful now. Should she tell Janine she’d called him Master?

No. She felt stupid enough as it was.

So where was she comfortable? She let her mind drift back to last night. In his arms after having sex, feeling sated and warm and fuzzy, eating ice cream and laughing at the movie. That was the most comfortable and satisfied she’d felt in a long time.