Annoyance boiled up. “Why did you send me that pirate? He was an asshole!”

She cringed. “Sorry. I guess I didn’t know him as well as I thought. I’ll have to put the word out that he’s a bit pushy. I was about to come charging over, but your new hero beat me to it.”

Kate scowled at her.

“I wouldn’t have let you leave with him,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Anyway, the other guy getting you a drink? Stay away from him too.”

“What?” But he was tall! And hot! And he’d rushed to her defense. Her heart sank.

“No, no.” She waved a hand. “It’s not like that. He’s a good guy. Really. But he’s not your type.”

Annoyed, she snapped, “Well, what’s my type, then?”

“Not him. Trust me.”

What did that mean? Janine should have known not to say shit like that to her. It only made her more curious. And she liked a challenge. “Why not?”

She hesitated. “I just think he’s . . . too much for you.”

Just as she was about to protest, Chris came up behind Janine. With a proprietary hand on the back of her neck, he bent down and said, “You causing trouble over here, my girl?”

Her friend’s lashes fluttered. “Of course not, Sir.”

He chuckled darkly. “I know that look. What are you telling poor Kate?”

She watched, transfixed, as he ran a finger under Janine’s public collar, as if reminding her of her place with him, of his ownership. Janine shuddered.

Kate stayed quiet, hoping she wouldn’t scare them off. Watching them when they got like this seemed pervy, but their dynamic was so sexy and romantic that she could never look away.

After an audible breath, Janine looked up at her Dom. “I’m telling her to stay away from him.” She nodded toward the man getting her a drink.

Chris squinted into the dim lighting, and then recognition hit. He grinned, then gave Janine a squeeze. “Come on, love. Kate’s a big girl. She’ll figure things out.”

Janine’s mouth dropped open. “But—”

“Now.” He snapped his fingers, and her mouth clamped shut. Head down, she stood and let Chris pull her away.

Kate knew better than to interrupt Janine’s dynamic with Chris, even if she did want to grill her friend. From a few feet away, Janine stopped and turned to look at her. Good luck, she mouthed.

Good luck? She wished she was more commanding and could demand answers from Chris, but the man could out-Dom James Bond.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a shadow hovering over her, holding out a red Solo cup. “I hope Pepsi is okay. It’s all they had left.”

She took the drink, smiling slightly. “It’s fine. Thanks.” Chris and Janine didn’t seem concerned he’d drug her drink at least.

He sat back in his spot on the couch, but Janine had moved her away from the edge so now their thighs touched. She tried to inch away politely.

“So you’re here to meet a Dom?” he asked, ignoring her attempt at escape.

“Yeah. At least, I think so.” She stared down at the bubbles in her cup. “I don’t really know what I want anymore.”

Silence again. She glanced up at him. He wore a white T-shirt that fit snugly across his wide chest, and plain dark jeans. Beautiful ink on his arms. God, he was huge. It was a good thing he didn’t have the Dom vibe or she’d be terrified of him. With the slicked-back hair and heavy brow, he almost looked like a greaser from the fifties. All he needed was a thick chain around his neck. And maybe a leather jacket.

Mmm. Leather.

Giving her head a shake, she asked him, “What are you supposed to be anyway?”

He looked down at his clothes then back up to her. A smirk hinted at his lips. “This is my vanilla costume.”