“She’s perfect.” Banner coaxed her forward, and Ambrose fished in his pocket again, pulled out the leash and clipped it back to her collar. This whole collar thing was weird too. Ambrose had never put one on her before.

“What did you do with her?” Ambrose led the way down the hall, then up the stairs to a bedroom.

“I spanked her for insulting her body right at the beginning. Later I tied her to your kitchen island and beat her thighs with sugarcane. She might be marked for a few days.”

The word “marked” seemed almost significant. Was he trying to say something, or was it all in her head? God, this was a mess.

Ambrose grunted. “Take off your dress and get on the bed. Present.”

Undress? He never made her undress for him, let alone in front of people. She didn’t want to have sex with Ambrose but curiosity as to where this was going made her stay quiet and obey.

Reluctantly, she drew the dress off over her head, struggling not to get tangled in the leash, which Ambrose had let go. Next she pulled off her underwear, but she was glad to be rid of them. They were still wet and uncomfortable from being in her mouth.

She crawled up onto the tall bed and knelt there as she’d been taught, knees apart, hands folded behind her head, and waited for the men to finish with whatever the hell they were doing. It was like a police standoff. Between the two of them they had quite the gun show.

Ambrose took up the leash again.

“Is that all you did?”

Banner frowned, grimacing. “No. I know I shouldn’t have, but I kissed her.”

Ambrose glared. “Yeah, so I heard. Was making a cuckold of me at my own party part of your entertainment for the evening?”

Banner winced but didn’t look away. “I’d like to say I lost control in the moment, but I knew exactly what I was do


Ambrose paced back and forth at the foot of the bed.

“We’ve been friends since we were kids. I expected more from you. She’s mine now, and you need to respect that.”

Silence lay thick over the room. All of Kate’s counseling impulses told her to shut up and let them work through this, even though she felt a need to speak for herself. What about what she wanted? She wasn’t a pet, she was a person.

Banner sighed. “I know I gave her to you, Ambrose. That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done. But you and I both know she isn’t yours.”

Ambrose whirled on Banner and punched him in the jaw.

Kate gasped and moved to hold Ambrose back, but he was calm again and ordered her back to her spot.

“You fucking dick,” Ambrose growled.

Banner watched him, rubbing at a quickly bruising spot on his jaw.

“That was for Kate.” Ambrose shook his head. He picked up the end of Kate’s leash and handed it to Banner. “If you ever do this to her again, I’ll strangle you, myself.”


Banner looked down at the leash in his hand, then back at Ambrose.

“What are you doing? I don’t understand.”

“How am I friends with such an idiot?” Ambrose rolled his eyes, which looked funny on such a brute of a man. “I just spent the past several weeks training her, to show you that you were wrong about her and what she wanted. If you don’t want her back just say the word. I’ve been aching to fuck her since you gave her to me, but I knew you’d never forgive me if I did.”


He’d been saving her for Banner, not rejecting her? Anger tried to surface, but she was also relieved. So many thoughts and questions swirled in her mind that she had no idea how to feel about any of it.

Banner seemed to be having trouble following the conversation too. “So you’re telling me you just kept her for me? You haven’t fucked her?”