“Konstantin suggested I talk to you.” Smooth had deserted him this evening. The hallway was dim, making it difficult to make out Ambrose’s expression.

Choice time. Did he say he had to leave, or did he man up?

“Why? Is Kon the next one in line for Kate? Line forms to the left. Mind the velvet ropes.” Sarcasm made the statement bitter and ugly.

“I was just wondering if you’d be interested in . . .” The pause hung clumsily in the air. “Loaning her to me.”

The request seemed to surprise Ambrose. “As soon as these people leave, I’m going to fuck her. Do you think you can get her back to me before then?”

He didn’t need that visual, but there it was. “Yes.”

“I don’t know. You never did return my Metallica CD in tenth grade.” Ambrose leaned against the wall, almost bumping the framed print of the dogs playing pool. It went well with the velvet Elvis farther down the hall.

“I won’t leave her in a Discman at the park.” Banner kept his words light, trying to cut the hostility he could feel coming from his friend. “I promise.”

“No sexual contact.”

Banner winced. He never would have taken such a liberty with anyone else’s collared sub, and Ambrose knew that.

His friend unclipped the leash from her collar. “Go with Banner. But don’t give him one of your hot, nasty blow jobs, even if he begs.”

Jealousy and irritation streamed through Banner, and he held out his hand to Kate. She took it, even though she was frowning in confusion.

“What do you want from me, Sir?” Her gaze shifted uneasily between Banner and Ambrose. “Where are we going?”

“You’re going to come play with me in the other room. Are you okay with that?”

She nodded, but her hand shook in his. Ambrose went up the back stairwell, leaving them alone.

“Have you and Ambrose done any impact play yet?” There wasn’t much he could do with her BDSM-wise that didn’t involve sexual contact. Impact play seemed the most impersonal. He could get through that without losing control. Couldn’t he?

“No, Sir.” Her eyes were luminous even in the dim light of the hall.

“Take off those damn shoes.”

Her whimper as she kicked them off gave him an instant hard-on, and he let himself crowd her, but only slightly.

Not mine. Not mine.

Kate turned her face aside, exposing her neck. The scent of her shampoo, mixed with her own scent, coy and teasing, made him want to pick her up and fuck her against the wall—party be damned.

“What’s the matter, Kate? Do I make you nervous?” He growled, not quite in her ear, but apparently it had the desired effect. She melted against the wall, her posture abject submission.

“Yes, Sir. Well, maybe. But it’s not just that.” She was so close that he could feel her breath on his face when she spoke. Minty, warm.

“What, then?” He caged her between his arms, his dick begging to be pressed against her, if nothing else. Even that was against the rules though. He wouldn’t betray Ambrose.

“You’re not allowed to touch me,” Kate whispered. “But I need to come.” She begged him with her eyes.

He frowned. “Ambrose said no.”

She sagged. “I know. He doesn’t let me.”

“Fuck other men? Of course not.”

“No, I mean he doesn’t let me come.”

Anger rose, even though it was none of his business. “Why?”