She pushed the thoughts away and pretended Banner had never happened. Making believe she’d met Ambrose by chance at the market, she thought about their upcoming date.

She wondered what kinds of things he was into. Banner had told her their kinks mostly lined up, but he’d also mentioned Ambrose wasn’t as strict and had a weakness for brats.

Was she a brat?

A shiver shot down her spine as she daydreamed about what they might do in the privacy of his house.

In her head, they were in Banner’s dungeon. She’d never been in other dungeons so most of her fantasies happened there.

If he was into the same things as Banner, would he tie her up? Use her mouth? Whisper nasty threats in her ear?

She shuddered.

A picture formed in her mind. She was on Banner’s bed on all fours while someone shuffled behind her. Whimpering, she wondered if he was getting lube.

Would Ambrose insist on taking her ass as Banner had wanted to? A man came up behind her, stroked down her back, making her arch like a cat and purr.

“There’s my kitty,” he said, voice rough and seductive.

But it was Banner’s voice.


She gave her head a shake and placed Ambrose there instead. Her clit tingled, and she wished she had access to her vibrator. In five minutes she’d be home and could take care of things. She squirmed in her seat. No harm in fantasizing to get ready though.

Ambrose walked around her needy body then put a finger under her chin to force her to look at him. Only Banner’s face was there when she tilted her head up.


“Get out of my head!”

She forced Ambrose back into the picture.

“Are you a good kitty or a bad kitty?” he whispered.


He moved his hand to her hair and yanked it.

In real life, a rush of heat flooded her pussy. Her underwear was probably soaked. Oh, she was a bad kitty, alright.

A car honked and she looked up, realizing she’d been sitting at a green light. Mortified, she cleared her head and focused on driving the rest of the way home. Her clit still ached when she made it into her condo parking lot. Vibrator was a must. But first, she wanted to text Banner. Maybe some resolution would get him out of her fantasies.

She pulled out her phone and wrote, Ambrose is great. Thanks for the hook-up!

She waited a moment to see if there’d be a response. When none came, she sighed and walked to the door. Pixie would need to go out, so her vibrator plans would have to be put on hold. Actually, by the time she got settled back at home, the mood would be over. She hated when that happened.

Her text alert beeped right as she went through the door. It was Banner.

I’m glad you hit it off. He’s a good guy. You can trust him.

But maybe I don’t want a good guy, she almost wrote. Maybe I want you.

Whoa. Where had that come from?

Feeling confused and still a little horny, she set her purse on the counter. It probably wasn’t wise to text him back right now. Not with her feelings all out of whack. Maybe sub drop was still affecting her.

She looked at Pixie, and Pixie looked back at her.