“No, it wasn’t, Sir. I just can’t seem to help it when I’m around you. That’s why it’s probably better that we make a clean break after this.”

He rapped her ass with the cane and a fiery streak dashed across her skin.

“Ow! Fucker!”

Another blow landed, and she squealed and squirmed, but the ropes held her in place. He caressed her ass and her pussy with the cane, the wood hard, cold, and impersonal. She ground against the vibrator, wishing he’d set it higher.

“Watch your mouth, or this is going to get more unpleasant than it has to be.” The growled command near her ear made her whimper. She needed to come so bad.

Three more strikes with the wicked thing and her throat was thick, her eyes welling. Her ass felt blistered.

“Stop! Please!” She sobbed. “I’m sorry. I won’t do it again. I won’t. It was mean of me, but I like you too much and it makes me do stupid things.”

“Do you?” He walked around the bed, thumping the cane absently in his hand. “So, if you like me so much, why did you end our arrangement?”

He grabbed a handful of her sore ass and squeezed, making her grunt from the pain.

“You scare me, Sir. I’ve seen sex slaves, and I don’t want to be like that. I don’t wait by the door like some brainless sex toy, just hoping for the chance to lick your boots. I don’t want to grovel at your feet for the rest of my life.”

Banner bit her ass in multiple places, ma

king her squeak.

“You’re too good for the orgasms I give you?” He brushed a finger over her back hole, and she clenched hard and tried to squirm away.

She gasped and struggled, then stayed still, hoping he’d lose interest.

Was there even a good answer to that question? “I love having sex with you, Sir. That’s not the issue. I—” Her words stalled in her mouth. The finger that ran over her anus was damp and slippery now. How, she wasn’t sure, but it didn’t bode well.

“But?” The tip of his finger was trying to wiggle its way in, but she clenched harder to keep him out.

“No, no,” she begged as she felt him broach her back entrance. He pressed the vibe harder against her clit, and it distracted her enough to let him slip in further. Should she use her safeword?

He crawled up onto the bed and positioned himself between her thighs.

“Please, you can’t! I’m not ready. You’ll hurt me.”

“Shh, it’s just my finger. You can manage that.”

She moaned at the weird sensations he was forcing on her. It burned and ached and made her feel violated, but also turned her on so bad. “It’s big, and I don’t like it.”

“Mmhmm.” He didn’t sound as though he believed her. “Just a little more and I’ll give you what you need. You can take this for me, can’t you?”

Fuuuuuuuck. If he kept talking to her like that she’d do anything. She felt something give way and he slid his finger deeper, wiggling it in ways that made her toes curl.

It withdrew partway, and his cock slid back and forth through the slickness of her pussy. “Oh, sweetheart, you’re so wet for me. You love when I play with your ass, don’t you?”

Was it actually possible to die from humiliation? Or lust?

“Please, Sir.” Kate pushed back at him, begging with her body.

“What do you want? This?” He shoved his cock into her with short, savage thrusts, until he bottomed out.

Noises escaped her—none of them pretty or ladylike as he started to pump in and out of her.

“No? You want me to stop?” He stilled.

She tried to squirm backward to capture more of his cock, but he would only let her take him to a certain depth, not that she could move much.