He pushed her onto her back, then straddled her waist. Beneath him, she seemed to wake again. She struggled and bucked.

Banner fought to catch her wrists, then pinned them to the floor. He slid on top of her and wedged his knee between her legs, even though she struggled to keep them closed.

Pausing, he looked down at her, his eyes narrowed. “What’s your safeword?”

“It’s wombat.” Panting, she tried to shove him off.

There was a strong temptation to take her there and then, but the tile was starting to hurt his knees. He could only imagine how sore the back of her head was.

Banner pulled her up and dragged her out of the kitchen and down the hall, trying to decide where he wanted her, other than right that second on the floor. He wasn’t a teenage boy. He could wait another few minutes. Maybe.

The nearest bedroom was a guest room he hardly ever used, seeing as how it was central and didn’t provide much privacy. Not an issue in an empty house. She was struggling, but not hard enough to give him the impression she wanted to get away. She just didn’t want to lose.

He picked her up and threw her on the bed, not trying to make it sexy or graceful. Kate landed sprawled out, and he was on her in an instant. She wrestled with him, but he managed to pin her bent legs upward and out of his way.

“What are you doing?” she whined.

“Seeing if you taste as sexy as you look.” He slid down, his shoulders holding her legs apart, and holding her hands so she couldn’t fight him off. The gentle breath he blew across her sex made her squeal.

Her clit poked shyly from its hiding place and the seam of her sex was spread open to him, wet and ready. He started slowly, barely brushing his mouth against her.

“Banner, no. I can’t. Please, just fuck me.”

“You can’t, what?” he growled, but paused to see if she was going to use her safeword.

“Please, I’m not going to last. Let me go.” She was trying to get away, but also looking down at him with a desire that made him want to see how hard he could make her come.

“Stay still and let me.” He bit her thigh, and she gasped.

“But I don’t like this, Sir.”

A challenge. “No? What makes you say that?”

She shrugged, averting her gaze.

“When was the last time someone went down on you?”

“High school.”

“Maybe you’ve changed your mind since then.” Hopefully, she thought he had more skill than a teenage boy. “Is this a hard limit for you?”

“No, Sir,” she whispered after a long pause.

Banner leaned in again, kissing the inside of her thigh, working his way up, skipping over her sex and leaving another trail of kisses down her other thigh. He traveled the same route again, this time nipping her gently. When he got to her pussy and skipped over it, her hips came up off the mattress, silently asking for what she thought she didn’t want. Rather than rush, he licked and nipped along one of her labia, then the other. She started to relax and he released her hands.

The movement of her hips encouraged him. She moaned under her breath and gasped when he bit. “What’s the matter, Kate?”

A whine of frustration escaped her, and he smiled.


“No, it’s okay. You can stop.” Her body told a different tale, tilting toward him, seeking his mouth. It sounded as though she was letting him off the hook.

“I’m not done.”

Although she made a quiet sound of distress, she didn’t say anything about Australian marsupials.

Leisurely, he slid his tongue over the sensitive skin around her clit, circling tighter, until he flicked his tongue directly across it. Kate froze, soundless. He skimmed a finger along her entrance and found her wet, hot, ready. With gentle dabs and flicks he assaulted her clit as he slid his finger deep inside her. She shrieked, and her hips bucked. Wrapping the arm that supported him around her thigh, he held her in place and continued. Between finger fucking her and his oral assault, her noises became higher pitched, frantic. Her muscles tightened, ready to come, and he stopped.