there?” She gasped, trying to edge backward and capture his hand between her thighs.

“Yes. A few were anal virgins, but I fixed that. My slaves don’t get to tell me no without a damn good reason.”


“If it was an abuse trigger, or if there was a health reason why they couldn’t.”

Kate didn’t answer, but her moans were eloquent. Apparently, her clit liked him just fine, even if she didn’t want sex.

She squirmed and whined exactly the way he wanted, her body far more obedient to him than her mind. As she was about to come, he stopped and untied her arms.

“I think that’s enough for today.”

“What?” She got to her feet and looked at him incredulously. “But . . . you put that big pile of things there. I thought we’d be experimenting for a while.”

“Actually, Kate, I’m getting pretty uncomfortable.” He was careful to keep his expression neutral. “I know you’re curious about things and want to know whether you’ll like them, but I’m having trouble staying scientific about this. You don’t want sex, and I respect that, but I’m not a machine. I have needs to deal with too.”

“So you want me to leave so you can . . . ?”


“But I could help you with that.” She grasped his hard-on through his dress pants.

Banner thought about the accounts receivable paperwork he had to deal with the next morning. He thought about it long and hard, until he regained control. There was no D/s agreement between them. There had been such intimate contact between them, yet he didn’t have consent to throw her on her back and fuck her. This vanilla shit was fucking irritating.

“You said you didn’t want sex.”

“I changed my mind.” The control she had over the situation was making her arrogant. Enough was enough.

“You changed your mind?” He frowned at her, not bothering to hide his annoyance, and she let go of his dick and backed up a step. “I know you see this whole thing with me as an experiment or a game, Kate, but I can’t keep doing this. If I’m just a pretend Dom with you, it keeps me completely off balance, and then what are you learning? That Dominants are weak and you can manipulate them? We have no real agreement between us, so I’m putting up with shit I’d never take from a girl of mine. I’m not sure how I got myself into the position where you’re calling the shots, but that’s over. If you stay, I’ll treat you like you’re mine while you’re here. If you set foot in this house I’m fucking you whether you like it or not.” A spark of apprehension showed in her eyes. “I will honor your safeword, of course, but the rest of this cock-tease bullshit will be dealt with as I see fit.”

Silence spread between them, and Kate chewed on her thumb, the edges of her teeth leaving indentations on its pad. How could she make even that sexy?

So, was she walking out or submitting? He’d never been big on ultimatums, but this thing between them was seriously fucked up. There was something about her that he found completely irresistible, but there were certain things that didn’t work for him—like handing over his power to someone else.

Instead of giving him an answer, she popped her finger into her smirking mouth, then trailed her hand down between her breasts to her mons. She slid her fingers between her legs and started to play with her clit.

Fucking little brat.

He lunged for her, and she bolted from the room, shrieking with laughter. Some predatory instinct tore at him. Obviously, she wanted him to chase her. Between his hard-on and the adrenaline coursing through him this might not be pretty. Any self-respecting Dom would have ignored this behavior and sat in the room until she got bored and came back looking for him, but the idea of hunting through his house for a naked, horny girl was too interesting to ignore.

He pulled off his shoes and socks and stalked up the stairs, avoiding boards that squeaked.

“I’m assuming you want me to find you and fuck you, Kate.” His voice boomed through the house. “If that’s not what you want, come out now, and we’ll forget this happened.”

A laugh bounced through the corridor, but it echoed and was hard to tell which direction it came from.

“If you catch me you can do anything you want.”

Fuck, I’m going to make her regret saying that.

Had that laughter come from upstairs? First things first. He went up to his room, grabbed a condom out of his drawer, and stuck it in his pocket.

The upstairs hall was silent. He stood very still, listening, wondering how many closets he’d have to search before he found her.

The guest room nearest his looked empty, but he checked under the bed, behind the door, in the closet. Nothing in the upstairs sitting room, or the rooms that were usually used by Rook, Ambrose or Konstantin when they stayed over.

Had she grabbed her clothes and left the house?