I wouldn’t trust me, if I were a pretty little girl like you. Remember that you don’t like what I like.

How was a text conversation turning him on?

LOL I think you’re the first guy that’s ever said, “Don’t trust me.”

Though it nearly killed him to rein himself in, he had to think of what was best for her. He typed back, I’ll find someone to play nicely with you, before you and I get ourselves into trouble.

There was a lengthy pause as his phone informed him she was writing. Was she writing him a bratty book?

Yes, Sir.

How many responses had she deleted before settling on that? And Sir? She didn’t even know him.

They walked the short way to the restaurant on the corner with Banner staring at Kate’s last two words. He vaguely heard the ding from the bell over the door as they entered, but he was trying to think of something clever to r

espond with.

Ambrose shoved him into a seat. “You want her.”

“She’d be better off with you. She doesn’t want a guy like me.”

“I’ll wait until you’re done with her.”

“Don’t tempt me. It’s not supposed to be like that.” Banner looked down at his phone again, wondering if she was looking sly or giving him big eyes or what. Texts should come with facial expressions.

Ambrose flicked a sugar packet at him, hitting him square in the chest. “You need to do something for yourself once in a while. You’re getting to be a boring old man way ahead of your time. Just because you’re having trouble finding the right girl doesn’t mean you should give up.”

“Okay, Dr. Phil.” He flipped Ambrose the bird good naturedly.

I’m going to arrange for you to meet a few Doms that I know well, who might be more your speed. Are you free on Saturday afternoon?

Was she brave enough to jump in like this? Did she trust him that much already?

Sure. You’re not going to bring them all by and line them up, are you?

“I’m not going to lure this sweet thing to the dark side. Do you want to meet her?” he asked Ambrose.

“Not yet. Break her heart first.”

“Fuck you.”

“You wish.”

He thought about who his next choice would be for her after Ambrose. No, I’ll just introduce you to one this time. My friend Trev, I think. Meet us at the coffee shop on Marcus Street at 1pm?

Banner held his breath, waiting for confirmation.

Okay. But how do you know he wants to meet me?

I haven’t asked him yet, but I doubt he’ll say no. He’s a good guy. If he’s not available, there are others. If it’s just me, I’ll just come by with a BDSM checklist so you can think about things.

There’s actually a checklist? He pictured her eyes wide.

Yes, several.

Figging is off the table, by the way.

Then I’ll leave ginger root off of my grocery list.