‘This is Akielos. We don’t need them. Come with me.’

Walking naked along the outside paths was as transgressive to Laurent as it had been for Damen to contemplate intimacy in the gardens. They stepped into open sunlight and Laurent let out a breathless laugh, as if he couldn’t believe what he was doing.

Damen tugged him towards the eastern entrance, hands linked. In a charming quirk of Veretian modesty, Laurent seemed to find it even more shocking to walk naked inside the palace than outside, hesitating on the threshold, then following Damen into the halls in amazement.

Here they weren’t alone: the servants who had absented themselves from the baths were waiting for any sign they were needed, guards stood on ceremonial duty, and the skeleton household who had opened up the palace for their arrival were all at their stations.

Damen would have walked through without noticing them, but he could feel Laurent’s over-awareness of each person they passed. And truthfully, Damen was too aware of Laurent’s nakedness, all that skin that was not usually on display, still slightly pinked from the steam.

Entering the royal chambers, the view was of gauzy white, and of marble and sky, the wide, graceful interior opening out onto a balcony. Laurent walked right out onto it, leaning his naked body against the marble balustrade and closing his eyes with the sun full on his face. He let out a breath that was part laughter at what he had done, part disbelief.

Damen came out and fitted himself lazily alongside Laurent, enjoying the sunlight too, and the air from the sea, that winked in an expanse of blue. Laurent’s eyes opened.

Laurent said, ‘I like it here. I like it here so much.’

Damen felt breathless, as he trailed a touch down Laurent’s arm. Laurent turned in towards the touch and they kissed just as he’d imagined, Laurent’s arm hooked around his neck. The simple intimacy from the baths changed to something else, at the feel of Laurent naked against him, skin to skin.

The kiss deepened, Laurent’s hand in Damen’s damp hair. Half hard since the baths, it didn’t take long to rouse fully, but what made the blood beat against the inside of his skin was feeling Laurent rousing against him in turn, as his hands slid slowly over Laurent’s body.

His own cock, hard and heavy, was rubbing deliciously between them and the feel of it was as good as the feel of the sunlight on his skin. He wanted to keep going, his body thrusting slowly to please himself, and to please Laurent, who liked it slow and lazy like this.

A push, a few deliberate steps, and they were back in the shade. He felt the brush of gauze hangings, the cool stone of the wall at his back. His hands slid down past the small of Laurent’s back, palming the curves there. The features of the room became a series of stations on the way to their destination, the journey neither urgent nor hurried. A period of separation when Laurent poured a cup of water and drank from it, Damen watching with his shoulders against the opposite wall. A long interval where Damen braced a palm against stone and kissed Laurent’s sensitive neck. Then he turned Laurent so that he was belly to the wall, and kissed his neck again, from behind.

Intentionally, he did not drive towards a conclusion, but simply let himself explore, the softest kisses to Laurent’s neck, sliding his palms over Laurent’s chest, slowly over the nipples, which were sensitive and which, later, he would take into his mouth. He liked the feel of Laurent’s back against his torso, the dip of Laurent’s head. Laurent leaned into the gentlest touch as though starved. He stroked along Laurent’s flank, slow, slower. Again.

‘Damen, I—’

‘Really?’ said Damen, rather pleased.

Caught up in the way that Laurent’s skin responded to him, he had missed the quickening pulse, the subtle signs of a body’s approach to its brink. With another lover, it was the moment to speed up in order to reach their peak. Damen slowed further.

Laurent made a soft sound, and Damen slid his hand up the inside of Laurent’s thigh, stopping right at the juncture, thumbing the join between thigh and torso as he kissed Laurent’s neck again, slowly. Laurent groaned, his forehead touched the stone.

His desire to explore Laurent and to enjoy this pleasure was transforming into a desire to mount, to be inside him, and to fuck him this way, slow, their breaths flickering into one another’s mouths as they kissed. Laurent was pushing back against him rhythmically now. Damen’s cock was sliding continually over the place where he wanted it.

Damen turned Laurent and kissed him, Laurent’s back against the wall, the kiss like consummation, hard and deep. Laurent made that slight sound again, right into Damen’s mouth.

When they broke apart again it was to look at each other with uneven breaths, and it already felt like he was inside.

‘I want you,’ said Damen.

He watched the flush rise up over Laurent’s skin.

‘So, on the balcony, but not in the gardens,’ said Laurent.

He was leaned against the wall. Damen had taken a step back. ‘We’re not quite on the balcony.’

‘I can’t keep track. You had us walk here naked.’

‘This is Akielos. We can do things your way in Vere.’ He thought about it. ‘It’s cold there.’

‘And in our new palace,’ said Laurent, ‘on the border?’

Damen felt warmth pool in his stomach. ‘Our new palace.’ Softly, into Laurent’s ear. He had returned into Laurent’s physical space, irresistibly.

‘I’m just—’

‘Talking,’ said Damen.