Jordan could feel her gaze, a tiny heated stare from the corner of her eye.

She still wasn’t one hundred percent comfortable; she refused to turn her head and look directly at him. They walked in silence. He enjoyed the feel of her beside him, matching him step for step. He would let her lead their encounter. Jordan had no intention of backing off, but he would never force her into anything she didn’t want to do.

He held open a second set of doors that led to the bright concourse. The hum of voices and street traffic surrounded them. The skylight above illuminated the space letting in the sunshine that warmed up an otherwise chilly morning.

His plan to ogle her seductive body went off without a hitch as she walked through the doorway ahead of him. He admired her bottom—perfect—in a pair of tailored gray wool pants. Today her hair was swept up off her shoulders, pulled together at the base of her neck in a circular pattern.

He ushered her into the elevator and pushed their respective floors. She stayed silent but kept stealing a look here and there.

Before she stepped off the elevator, he caught her hand and guided her against the space where the doors disappeared.

He stepped closer, his body hovering against hers, his closeness a little racier than accepted in the workplace. The click of high heels and the murmur of voices buzzed in the background as he held her hostage.

“You have something in your eye.”

He raised his hand and caressed just under the almond-shaped lid, then shook his head. “Nope. It’s just a sparkle.”

She grinned.

The sharp ring of the elevator alarm cut their encounter short and Jordan released her. Becca walked off but did turn to look back at him before the elevator doors closed.

There were no visits to his office that day.

Chapter Three


Jordan greeted Becca at the doorway to the coffee shop with her drink, piping hot, in his hand.

Her glide turned into a saunter when she spotted him. He could see her eyes dancing with excitement from across the foyer. Oh yeah. She loved the attention. A wave of satisfaction swept through his body. Today was going to be his lucky day.

He offered her the paper cup.

She stopped and accepted his gesture, their fingers touching briefly as the cup exchanged hands. “Thank you.”

He couldn’t help the smirk that spread across his face, wondering what kind of reaction he was going to get today.

This game of cat and mouse they were playing was a form of foreplay, a slow, torturous foreplay that he couldn’t control.

All he could do was his best to charm his way back into her pants.

Jordan leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Do you have any Irish in you?”

She looked confused. Probably because she was expecting something sexier, hotter. “No.”

“Would you like some?”

She snorted, smiled, then pivoted on her heel, walking away, but not before she lifted her cup in a thank-you gesture.

Still no visit to his office.

Chapter Four


“Hello, Becca.” This time, Jordan waited for her outside the elevator bank.

She stopped short, halting her exit from the elevator. “This could be considered stalking.”