Page 59 of Already Gone

I guess part of me hoped that since Chloe and I are part of Scarlett’s life now, that she would decide to fit us in more. Maybe I was too quick to hope for that grand of a gesture. Or perhaps we just don’t mean as much to her as she says we do.


I shake my head, determined to shelve all thoughts about my situation with Scarlett until after the party. Today is Chloe’s day, and I want to focus all of my attention on her. I want this day to be unforgettable, and I’ll do whatever I have to do to make that happen.


“You okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good. I’m really proud of you, Chlo.”

“For what?”

“For being mature about this. I know how bad you wanted Scarlett to be here.”

“I guess I’m just finally growing up.”

“Not too fast, okay? I’d like to keep you little for a bit longer.”

“Sorry, Dad, no can do. I’m almost a woman.”

I groan. “Lord, help me.”

Chloe laughs. “Come on. I’m ready for my party.”

Chloe thinks that we’re going early so that she can be there to greet all of her friends. Little does she know that everyone is already there waiting for her. The party wasn’t a surprise, but the greeting is going to be.

Mom just texted me that the last kid showed up. Dean, Rick, and Scooter are there with the puppy, which means we need to hit the road.

As long as I don’t have to break up any fights, catch any kids kissing in the corner, or save anyone from drowning, tonight will be a success.

“Let’s do it.”

As soon as we walk around the corner, all thirty-five of Chloe’s friends and our family jump to their feet and yell, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”

Chloe stumbles back, a hand to her chest. She smiles from ear to ear and looks from me to her friends, back to me, and then over to her friends again before running toward them with a high-pitched squeal.

“Did you see her face?” Scooter walks toward me, holding his phone up for me to see the picture he took. “That was priceless. Good job, Dad.”

“Will you send that to me?”

Scooter does something on his phone and then looks up. “Done.”

Dean joins us, and I look over at where Chloe is stripping off her clothes down to her swimming suit. I make sure she’s out of earshot. and then I ask, “Where’s the puppy?”

“The little hellion is in the pool house with one of the lifeguards,” he says, looking down at the teeth marks on the toes of his Chuck T’s. “They’re going to keep the she-devil until you’re ready to give her to Chloe.”

Of course, I picked out the ornery puppy. “I’ll buy you a new pair.”

“Damn right, you will. Those were my favorites.”

“Heya, Tucker,” Rick says, walking toward us.

“Hey, Rick. You’re looking better every time I see you.”

He puffs up his chest and smiles. “Thanks. I’m feeling pretty darn good. How’s Scarlett?”

I feel my smile start to slip at the mention of her name. “I don’t know. I haven’t talked to her since late last night.”

She was supposed to call this morning, but that didn’t happen.

“Yeah.” Rick frowns and shakes his head. “She told me she couldn’t make it. I know she would be here if she could.”

I wish I were as sure about that as he is. “I know.”


We all turn in time to see one of the boys in Chloe’s class cannonball off the diving board. He splashes all of the girls in the process, causing them to giggle.

“Hold this.” Scooter hands me his phone and pulls his shirt over his head.

“What’re you doing?”

“I’m gonna show that punk how it’s done.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“He’s twelve.”

“So am I—at heart.”

“This is gonna be great,” Dean says, pulling his phone out and getting ready to record the disaster that’s about to happen.

“Go, Scooter!” Chloe yells, tossing her arms into the air. She’s floating on a tube in the middle of the pool with Jenny and a few of her other friends surrounding her.

Scooter looks at the boy who just jumped, points to him, and says, “Watch and see how it’s done, son.”

“Oh, Lord.” I roll my eyes.

He climbs onto the diving board, waves to Chloe, and then takes off running. When he gets to the end of the board, he goes to jump, but his foot slips, and he flies through the air and smacks the water face-first.

The entire place starts laughing.

“Please tell me you got that,” I say to Dean.

“Every glorious second.”

Instinctively, I turn to find Scarlett, to see if she saw, only to remember that she’s not here.

Damn it. She should be here, enjoying this, and I can’t decide if I’m still upset that she’s not, or if I feel sorry for her that she’s missing it. We’re all laughing and carrying on at a party she worked her ass off to put together, and she’s at work, missing all the fun.