Page 41 of Already Gone

“They’re too young for you to fly them out to one of your shows.”

“Maybe, but you didn’t even send me an invitation to their birthday parties.”

There’s a long pause, followed by a sigh.

“You were on tour. I didn’t think you’d come,” Alexis says.

“You also didn’t think I’d come home to take care of Daddy, but here I am. I would’ve found a way. I love Lucy and Declan, and I want to be here for stuff like that. I want to know when they get an A on a test or score a home run during one of their games. You shut me out at every turn, and I don’t know what to do anymore.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t send you an invitation.”

I have to hold onto the wall to keep from falling over. I bet it hurt Alexis down to her core to give that apology.

“Thank you,” Scarlett says softly.

Lexi clears her throat. “And for what it’s worth, not everything you do is wrong. It’s not your fault that Daddy fell. It would have happened whether you were here or not. It’s those damn rugs he insists on having. But please don’t leave him by himself again.”

“I won’t. Trust me, I’ve learned my lesson. Now, about the kids—”

“Maybe we can set up FaceTime on their new tablets, and they can call you once a week.”

“I’d really like that.”

“As for everything else, let’s just take it one day at a time. That’s all I can give you right now.”

“I can live with that.”

I hear footsteps followed by the backdoor opening and shutting.

“You can come out now,” Scarlett says, giving me the eye when I walk into the kitchen.

“What? I wasn’t about to leave you in a room alone with your sister, especially with the way she’s been acting lately.”

“Thank you.” She leans into me and rests her head on my shoulder. “She exhausts me. I don’t know that I’ll ever be able to please her, Tuck.”

“It’s not your job to please her. Alexis is responsible for her own happiness, not you.”

“You’re right, but it still hurts. I love my sister, and I want us to be close. I think a part of me always hoped that we would eventually get there, ya know? But I don’t see that happening.”

“For whatever reason, Alexis is holding onto a lot of resentment, and until she lets that go, I don’t see it happening either.”

“That doesn’t make me feel better.”

“Sorry, sweetheart.” I kiss her nose. “Just being honest.”

She sighs. “What do I do? Should I try talking to her?”

“I don’t think so.” I push a strand of hair out of her face. “I think you should wait for her to open up to you.”

“What if she doesn’t?”

“She will.”

“But what if she doesn’t?”

“Baby, you could what-if this to death. This is Alexis’s problem, not yours. She’s still adjusting to you being home. Give her time. Your sister might be a complete bitch, but she does have a heart.”

“Are you sure about that?” Scarlett smiles at her snide remark and then covers her mouth. “I shouldn’t have said that.”

“You can say anything in front of me. I’m your safe place. Always. Now, enough about your sister, let’s talk about us.”

“My favorite subject.”

“Good answer.” I reward her with a kiss. “What are you doing this weekend? Chloe is staying with my mom on Friday night, and I’d love to take you out.”

Scarlett frowns. “I wish I could, but I have to fly to L.A. for the weekend. Didn’t I tell you about that?”

“No.” I shake my head and tighten my arms around her.

“Sorry, I must’ve forgotten to mention it. Things have just been so crazy. There’s a movie premiere. One of my songs is on the soundtrack, and I agreed to attend the premiere months ago. But I won’t be gone long. I’ll fly out Friday, and I’ll be back by Sunday afternoon.”

I hate that she’s leaving. I hate it even more that I won’t be with her, but I have to remember that this is part of her life. It’s her job, and she does stuff like this all of the time.

“Who is going to stay with Rick?”

“My aunt, Clarice, offered to stay the weekend.”

“That’s nice of her.”

“Yeah. Dad will enjoy having a new face around for a few days.”

“I’ll probably still pop in and check on him a few times.”

Scarlett smiles up at me. “I figured you would. Thank you for looking after him.”

“Your dad is like family to Chloe and me.”

“I know he is. And he feels the same way about you two.”

Scarlett kisses me, this time pushing it a little deeper. When she pulls back, I groan and rest my forehead against hers.

“This is going to be the longest weekend of my life.”

She giggles. Music to my ears. “It’ll fly by.”

“I highly doubt that.”

“You’ll see. I’ll be home before you know it.”