Page 56 of Already Gone

She’s an amazing kid.

“Did you invite your grandma and papa?”

“Yep, and Rick, Uncle Dean, and Scooter, too.”

“Scooter in a bathing suit?” I ask, trying to get the image out of my head as Tucker laughs.

“I think the adults will watch the kids swim,” Tucker says, watching me thread Chloe’s hair through my fingers.

“You can swim, too,” Chloe informs him, and I grin, imagining Tucker in his swim trunks.

The man has a body built for board shorts.

“I’ll watch you guys. I’ll be the lifeguard,” he says, just as my phone rings. I glance down and frown when I see my manager, Susan’s name flash on the screen. “I’d better take this.”

I tie off the braid and quickly walk out the back door to the deck. I haven’t spoken to Susan since I came to New Hope a month ago. I hope everything is okay.

“Hey, Sue. What’s up?”

“You never reply to your email,” she accuses, and I can see the stern look on her face.

“I know. Sorry. What’s going on?”

“I need to confirm with you that you’ll be in New York on Thursday. We have rehearsal and sound checks, and Mo said you’ll need some costume alterations.”

I pull the phone from my ear, glance at it, then press it to my ear once again. “What the hell are you talking about? I’m in New Hope for another three weeks.”

“Negative, Ghost Rider,” she replies. “If you’d read your damn email, you’d know that we rescheduled the shows and interviews we had to cancel when your dad had his stroke. We couldn’t be super picky on dates because it’s not like we scheduled two years out. I literally emailed you this itinerary two weeks ago.”

“Two weeks ago, my dad was still unable to care for himself.”

“Sorry, kiddo, the show must go on, and it’s going on this Friday night.”

Chloe’s party is Saturday.

Okay, I can do this.

“I guess I can cancel—” she begins, but I interrupt her.

“No. We won’t cancel twice, it’s my fault for not looking at my email. But, Susan, from now on, you have to call me. And I have to be back in New Hope on Saturday.”

She’s quiet for a long moment.

“What’s going on with you, Scar?”

“I’m living my life,” I reply honestly. “For the first time in a long time, I’m enjoying the people who love me for more than my celebrity, and it feels damn good. So, I’ll come do the show, but I’m coming home on Saturday.”

“Understood.” She clears her throat. “I’ll text you if anything else comes up. The plane will be in Charleston on Thursday at ten in the morning, ready to take you to New York.”

“Thanks.” I frown, feeling bad for snapping at Susan. “And I love you. I’m just frustrated. I hate email.”

“I should have called.” She sighs. “It’s just been busy here in the office, getting these dates rescheduled, and getting the band and singers together. It’s a lot of working parts.”

“And I love you for working so hard. Thank you. See you Thursday.”

“See you soon.” She hangs up, and I let out a long, breathy sigh.

Damn it.

I walk back into the house and hear Tucker and Chloe laughing in the living room where I left them.

“What’s so funny?”

Tuck’s smile falls a bit when he sees me. “What’s wrong?”

“Absolutely nothing.”

He narrows his eyes. “Don’t lie to me.”

“Okay. What’s wrong, is you’re having a good time in here, and I’m feeling left out. What gives?”

“Dad’s just funny,” Chloe says with a giggle. “And Jenny’s mom should be here soon to get me. She’s taking us shopping to buy new bathing suits for the party.”

“I could take you,” I offer, but Chloe shakes her head.

“It’s totally okay. Jenny and I have it under control. Besides, you’re doing a ton.”

“It’s my pleasure.”

A car horn beeps, and Chloe jumps up to run outside. First, she hugs her dad, who whispers something in her ear. She nods happily. Then, she hugs me around the waist and hurries out of the house, running down the sidewalk to Jenny’s mom’s car. We follow her out onto the porch.

All three of them wave, and then they pull away.

“So, what’s really going on?”

I sigh, feeling my shoulders sag in disappointment.

“I have to be in New York on Thursday.”

I turn to him, but rather than respond, he just takes my hand and leads me back inside.

“I thought we had three more weeks.”

“So did I.” I fill him in on what Susan said about rescheduling the last of the concert dates. “So, I’ll be gone for a couple of days, but I’ll be back on Saturday for the party.”

“That seems like a tight fit,” he says, shaking his head.

“I don’t care. I’ll make it happen. I’ll fly to Charleston after the concert if I have to and pull an all-nighter traveling home.”

“No.” He shakes his head adamantly. “That’s too dangerous. Get some sleep after the show and head down the following morning.”