Page 48 of Already Gone

“I don’t mean about what I just said,” Lexi clarifies. “I mean for the way I’ve treated you since you arrived.”

I clear my throat, and Lexi rolls her eyes.

“And also for the way I treated you before…over the last several years.”

“I forgive you.”

“Just like that? I’ve been a complete bitch. I’m probably still going to be unbearable at times.”

Scarlett laughs, then reaches across the table and rests a hand on Lexi’s. “We’re sisters. Of course, I forgive you. I still think we need to have a serious talk about our issues with each other, but this is a good start.”

Lexi takes a deep breath and blows it out. She looks as though the weight of the world has been lifted from her shoulders. “What now?”

“Now, I need to get Dad home before he breaks a hip on the dance floor.”

“I meant in your life.”

Scarlett reaches for my hand under the table. She’s as surprised at Lexi’s change in behavior as I am, but I know by the gentle squeeze she gives me that she’s happy. And if my girl is content, then so am I.

“Well, I’ll be here until Dad gets officially released”—she looks up, her eyes finding mine—“and then…I don’t know what. I guess that’s something I need to figure out.”

“As much as I love seeing my girls smiling at each other, I’m ready to go home.” Rick is panting and out of breath from his spin around the dance floor as he approaches the table. “This body can’t move like it used to.”

“Do you need me to go to the car and grab your walker?” I ask, standing up.

“Nah, I’m good. Just a little winded.”

Scarlett stands up. We all say our goodbyes and make our way to the car. It’s dark by the time we get back to Rick’s house. He retreats to his room with a murmured “goodnight.”

“Do you mind if I take a quick shower?” Scarlett asks. “I’d ask you to join me, but that’s probably not very appropriate with my dad down the hall.”

“You’re killing me.” I groan and pull her into my arms. I kiss her hard, showing her with my lips just how badly I want to be in the shower with her. When we break apart, I slap her ass. “Go, while I still have the strength to step away.”

“I’ll be quick.”

With Chloe at a friend’s house, there’s no rush for me to leave, so I kick my shoes off by the door and sit on the couch. Rather than turn on the TV because I don’t want it to be too loud for Rick if he’s trying to go to sleep, I lean my head back and close my eyes.

I must doze off because I wake up sometime later with a warm woman in my lap, kissing her way up the side of my neck. She nibbles my ear, and my cock stirs to life.

“Wake up, sleepyhead,” she breathes.

I blink my eyelids open. Scarlett is indeed sitting on my lap. She’s wearing nothing but a towel and a smile. I slide my hands up her thigh and under the terrycloth. I’m met with soft, warm flesh, and her lips part when I drag a finger down her core.

“Baby, we can’t do this here.” My body disobeys my words when my hand slides to the small of her back and pulls her to me. Scarlett answers by grinding her bare pussy against my jeans. I’m hard as a rock and ready to pound into her, but this isn’t exactly the place for that to happen.

“Daddy is asleep. I checked on him.”

“You’re a minx.”

“I’m horny, and I want you inside of me.” Scarlett releases her towel. It falls, exposing her breasts. Her nipples are puckered tight, begging for my mouth, and who am I not to give them what they want?

I lean forward and capture a tight bud in my mouth. I suck and lick and bite until Scarlett’s writhing against me. With my hands on her waist, I guide her over my rigid cock, which is pushing uncomfortably against the seam and zipper of my jeans. Her body draws tight, her breaths coming in short little pants, and then I slip two fingers inside of her. Three strokes and she’s falling apart in my arms. Her pussy spasms against my fingers, sucking them deep.

Her soft body collapses against mine, and when she catches her breath, she sits up. Her eyes are glazed over, her bottom lip plump from her biting on it. Without a word, she reaches for my jeans. I watch her pop the button, lower the zipper, and ease me out of my boxers.

Scarlett lifts onto her knees, positions my cock at her entrance, and slowly lowers herself on top of me.

What we’re doing is damn risky with Rick asleep in the other room, but right now, I can’t bring myself to care.