Page 43 of Already Gone

“You love me.”

“Humph,” she says again, but I see the way her mouth tips up at the corners.

She totally loves me.

“I love the hemline on this one,” I continue. It’s scalloped and hits me at mid-thigh. All of the leg work I do has paid off in spades. I have the best legs in country music, and I’m damn proud of it. “Once I get those heels on, my legs will look amazing.”

“What’s our timeline?” Mo asks.

“We’ve got a couple of hours.”

“Good. You can take it off, and I’ll work my magic. For God’s sake, eat a salad.”

“Love you, too, Mo.”

She mumbles to herself as she stomps out of the room, and I laugh again. Mo’s always a little grumpy. It’s part of her charm.

Once I’m out of the dress and into my robe, I’m ushered over to hair and makeup. By the time that’s finished, Mo will be done with the dress, and I’ll be ready to go.

I’d be happier if Tucker were here with me, but as much as I miss him and everyone else back home, I must admit, I’m having fun.

“Hey, gorgeous.”

I look up in the mirror and grin at my friend, Chase.

“Hey, yourself.”

“How’s your dad?” he asks as he sits in the chair next to mine while the hair and makeup crew keep doing whatever it is they do.

“He’s doing better. Getting therapy and stuff. But he’s got a ways to go before he’s back to his old self.”

“Well, I’m glad to hear that he’s going to be okay. I like Rick a lot.”

“He likes you, too.”

Dad’s come to at least one show of every tour I’ve ever done, and back in the day, Chase and I toured a lot together, so Dad’s met Chase a few times.

“What else’s going on with you?” Chase asks.

“That’s about it,” I say, grinning.

He smiles and then shakes his head and laughs. “Who’s the dude?”

“What dude?” I narrow my eyes and point to the hair and makeup crew, reminding him that ears are everywhere, and I don’t need them to babble to the rags.

“I must have heard something somewhere,” Chase says, but I know he’ll want to talk more later. I’ll tell him about Tucker in the limo.

“You’d better go put your monkey suit on.”

“Fine.” He sighs and stands, then leans over to kiss my cheek. “See you in a bit.”

I sigh and close my eyes, determined to enjoy these few minutes of being pampered. Tonight will be busy. Loud. Lots of lights and noise.

The quiet is nice, even if it’s brief.

“So, who is he?” Chase asks a few hours later in the back seat of the limo.

“Who’s who?”

“The guy that finally stole Scarlett Kincaid’s heart.”

“Do I have hearts coming out of my head like in a cartoon or something?”

“Pretty much,” he replies.

“Actually, I’ve been seeing someone I’ve known most of my life from back home.”

“A civilian?”

“No ties to Nashville at all,” I confirm.



“That’s brave of you, sugar.”

“Listen. Relationships in the biz don’t usually work well. Not everyone can be Faith and Tim.”


“And I like him. A lot. He’s a good guy. I think you’d like him, too.”

“As long as he doesn’t break your heart.”

“If he does, I might get a hit single out of it.”

That makes him laugh. The limo pulls up to the red carpet, and we both take a long, deep breath before the door opens, and pandemonium starts.

This movie is a huge blockbuster and is being covered by most of the media outlets. Thousands of fans line the barricades, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite actors from the film.

When Chase and I step from the car, the crowd erupts with screams and applause, and we immediately shift into publicity mode.

Smiles in place? Check.

Chase’s arm wrapped around the small of my back, hand planted on my hip? Check.

My shoulder tucked against him? Check.

We walk down the carpet, and then stop on the mark and turn to the cameras, posing for what seems like an hour. Flashes erupt. It’s taken a decade to train my eyes to stay open wide, despite the onslaught of bright light.

Before long, we’re ushered to where the entertainment channels have interviewers stationed to ask us questions.

“Scarlett! Chase!”

“Good evening,” Chase says, and we spend the next thirty minutes answering the same questions over and over again.

Yes, I was honored to be asked to sing the title song for the movie. Of course, working with Chase is always wonderful. He’s a good friend.

On and on we go until finally we make our way into the theater. The center of the place has been roped off for cast and crew. Once in our seats, we’re treated to all the soda and popcorn a person can eat—all delivered to us, of course.

The dress may be gorgeous for the red carpet or for when I’m onstage, moving around, but sitting is a bit of a challenge.