Page 39 of Already Gone

“Are you kidding? The more, the merrier. You two watch the grill while I grab some more food.”

She walks inside, and Dean lifts the lid to the grill, revealing giant Angus burgers. They’ve been dipped in barbecue sauce and look mouthwatering.

“She’s sexy, smart, funny, successful, and she knows how to grill.” Dean shakes his head and whistles low as he shuts the lid. “You hit the fucking jackpot. Better not let this one go.”

“I don’t plan on it.”

“Don’t plan on what?” Scarlett says, walking out with a plate of meat.

“Letting you go.”

“Good.” She smiles, pushing onto her toes to kiss me. “Because I don’t think you could get rid of me if you tried.”

I’m damn glad to hear that, especially after the shit she tried to pull a few days ago. Honestly, I think she just got scared. All she needed was a gentle reminder that she’s doing a good job of taking care of her dad and that we’re perfect together. Now, my girl is happy, I’m happy, and for the first time in over a decade, all is right in the world.

“Want some help?” I wrap my arms around her stomach and rest my chin on her shoulder. She angles her head so that she can kiss my nose.

“No, thank you. I’ve got this.”

Dean plops down onto a patio chair, but I’m comfortable right where I am, watching Scarlett cook.

“Where did you learn to grill? I assumed you had a chef who cooks for you while you’re on tour.”

“Oh, I do. Bernard is great.”

“He taught you?”

“No.” She smiles up at me proudly. “I taught myself.”


“This morning.”

I lift a brow. “This morning?”

“Yep. Don’t look so surprised,” she says, laughing. “Daddy wanted burgers from the grill for dinner, and I’m not about to let him down again—Lord knows I’ve done that enough—so, I did a Google search, pulled up a few recipes, and voila!”

“Wow. I’m impressed.”

“Let’s save the compliments until we taste the food.”

“I’m sure it’ll be great.”

“This is gonna get old fast,” Dean mumbles.

“What is?” I ask.

“You two acting lovey-dovey all the time.”

Scarlett turns in my arms, wraps hers around my neck, and smiles at Dean before kissing me full on the mouth. Lips, tongue, teeth clacking, the whole nine yards.

Dean gags, and we’re interrupted when the back door flies open.

“Oh my God,” Chloe screeches. “Ew. Gross. I can’t un-see that.”

Scarlett pulls back and touches her lips, just as affected by the kiss as I am. Her glossy eyes dart to my daughter, who is making an exaggerated gagging sound.

“What’s all the commotion about?” Rick says, walking onto the deck from the house.

Chloe wrinkles her nose and looks at Rick. “Dad and Scarlett were making out.”

“Oh, yeah?” Rick looks way too happy. “That’s not a bad thing, Chlo.”

“I know it’s not, but I don’t need to see it.”

“Remember that when you start dating,” I say.

I kiss Scarlett on the side of the head and walk across the deck to pull out a chair for Rick.

“Atta boy,” he whispers, giving me a wry smile as he sits down. “I knew you and Scar would end up together.”

“Dad, don’t—” Scarlett’s words taper off. I turn around to see why, and that’s when my eyes land on Alexis.

She’s walking toward us with the same scowl she’s been wearing since Scarlett’s return home. A second later, her kids walk around the corner, pushing and shoving at each other, but they perk up at the sight of Scarlett.

“Aunt Scarlett!” they yell in unison, darting across the yard.

Scarlett runs after them, meeting them in the middle and scoops them both into her arms. I can’t see her face from where I’m sitting, but I’d bet just about anything that she’s fighting back tears.

“I missed you both so much,” she says, pulling back so she can look at them. “Look at you guys. You’re getting so big.”

“I’m bigger,” Declan says, puffing out his chest.

Lucy answers him with an elbow to his stomach. “You might be bigger, but I’m older and stronger.”

“Stop fighting and go give your grandpa a hug,” Alexis says.

Scarlett turns and watches the kids run toward Rick. She swipes a finger under her eye and looks at Alexis, but she doesn’t get a word out because Alexis is faster.

“Well, isn’t this cozy? A nice little family dinner.”

“It wasn’t planned. We were all just outside and decided to eat together.”

I hate that Scarlett feels the need to defend herself and what’s happening. Alexis needs to pull the stick out of her ass and get over whatever grudge she’s holding onto.

“Well, the kids and I won’t stay long.”

“Don’t go,” Scarlett says. “Stay. Have dinner with us. I can make some hotdogs for the kids.”

Alexis frowns. “My kids don’t eat hotdogs. Have you seen what’s in those things?”

“Oh. Right. Of course. I’m also making burgers and brats, and I think Daddy has some chicken in the refrigerator. I’m sure we can find something for them to eat if you’ll stay.”