Page 39 of A Taste of Trouble

Liv's surrogate family had gathered to celebrate her new endeavor. It was Friday night, and after two long weeks, Liv was ready to open the bakery doors Monday morning.

She had rushed to get the items on the conditional pass fixed. Mr. McLean, the lovely man he was, had shown up first thing that morning with caulking in hand to brave the back door. But she was prepared and ready to face Mr. Cross on Monday morning.

With the inspection items out of the way, only a few minor details were left to take care of. And it seemed as if her run of bad luck had come to an end. She'd finally been approved, and signed on the dotted line, for a small business loan.

Liv took in the smiling faces of her friends. Because of everyone at this table, she was able to pull off her dream.

“If I haven't said it enough already, thank you again. I couldn't have done this without all of you. Especially with all the setbacks.”

“Just remember to thank us when you win your first culinary award.” Patti took a swig of her beer with a puzzled look on her face. “Do they even exist?”

“Yes, they do, and if I do get the opportunity, I won't forget to thank the little people.” Liv raised her bottle of beer in appreciation. “To the most important people in my life. I love you guys


“Ah, she's getting sentimental. No more drinks for you.” Austin reached across the table to grab her bottle.

“Hands off, Oz. You just be happy you get to see the sentimental side.”

“I'll drink to that.” Austin raised his glass. Patti was quick to follow his toast.

“Liv,” Mr. McLean said. “Everything is going to work out. Your landlord will complete the repairs on time and the bakery will survive and thrive.” The short, burly man held up his glass in a toast and everyone at the table nodded.

“If I had known ten years ago when Patti brought you home that I would be twenty pounds heavier because of your cupcakes…” Mr. McLean smiled even though he was trying to be stern. “…I still would have welcomed you with open arms.”

Mrs. McLean, her brown hair swept up in a bun showing off her elegant, almost regal neck, nodded in agreement. “We're so proud of you, dear.”

The McLeans didn't stay long at the celebration and, within a few minutes after they left, Brett joined the fun. With the adult supervision now gone, the party quickly became a drink fest. Which was exactly what she needed. She deserved at least one night of not thinking about her scary endeavor, because Monday morning, there was no turning back.

“So, Liv.” Patti waved her hand to catch everyone's attention at the table. “What was it you were saying about the important people in your life? That we were all gathered here for you?”

“Hey, I wasn't here.” Brett shot Liv a look of disappointment.

“I know, Brett. You were included in spirit. Besides, you're here now.” His face lit up, a stark contrast to the dark ink that adorned his collarbone.

Brett's tattoos were beautiful, unique, and Liv knew for a fact they were one of the reasons why Patti was so attracted to him. At least, at first.

“Stop whining, Brett.” Patti waved off her boyfriend's interruption. “Besides whiny over here, I think you did forget someone when you gave your little toast.”

“Really? Who?” She followed Patti's finger as she pointed toward the bar. Her breath caught at the sight of Jake standing there, beer in his hand.

“Liv's lover boy is here.” Austin grinned. “I give him five minutes and he'll be over here.”

“I'll take that bet. I say three minutes.” Patti and Austin shook hands over the table.

Over the pair of arms shaking across the table, Liv saw the confusion on Brett's face. “Who are we talking about?” Poor guy. He was always behind in the gossip.

“We're talking about that sexy hunk of a man standing at the bar with a bottle of beer,” Patti explained.

Brett scanned the crowd. “A little more descriptive, please. My definition of sexy hunk might be lacking.”

The three of them chuckled. Brett had learned to loosen up when it came to talking about men. Despite being totally straight and a guy's guy, he'd warmed up to Austin pretty quickly. Lucky for him, because no guy would have ever lasted for Patti if he didn't get along with Austin. That was a deal breaker. Liv would have the same rule, but the men she went for never lasted long enough for her to find out. Which left her wondering if Jake would get along with Austin.

“More descriptive?” Patti tapped her chin with her finger. “Okay, that sexy hunk of a man standing at the bar with a bottle of beer wearing the lavender dress shirt and black pants.”

“Purple shirt? Got it.” Brett made himself more comfortable in his chair, rolling up the sleeves of his shirt, exposing his heavily inked forearms. “Sexy hunk at eleven o'clock. What makes him so special?”

Liv wasn't embarrassed at Brett's inquisition. There were no secrets between her tight group of friends. “He's…I don't even know what he is.” Liv sighed. If she had the ability to kick herself she would for being disappointed at the fact that Jake hadn't even glanced in her direction.