Page 86 of A Taste of Trouble

She snorted out a laugh and fell into his open arms. There was nothing sexual about their embrace, nothing awkward or inappropriate. Just comfort and understanding. Exactly what she needed.

“What's that?”

She looked up and followed Brett's gaze. He was looking right at the photo Jake had left.

“Jake left it for me. I guess he had it delivered before the evening went south.”

Despite the crack through the middle, the picture was still very much distinguishable. “Is that you?” He tilted his head, trying to get a better look.

She sighed. “Yep.”

“Did he take that picture?” Brett rested his chin on her head.


He hugged her tighter. “I'm sorry to say, but he's good.”

“You can say it. It's not like I want him dead or anything.”

“Austin might.”

They both laughed.

Liv remembered the night at the gallery so vividly. The night he opened up to her. The way his face lit when he stepped through the doors, the way he nervously waited for her to comment on the photo. Everything about the man she thought he was had disappeared, and in its place was revealed a sweet, talented, compassionate man. She loved that he was so honest, so vulnerable.

She pulled away and stared up at Brett. A questioning expression had settled on his face.

“What's wrong?”

He shook off his stoic expression. “Nothing.” He gripped her shoulders, holding her at arm's length. “Are you sure you're all right?”

“I'm better now.” She pulled out of Brett's grip and leaned back on the headboard. “I guess I needed to get it all out. Thank you.”

“Oh, I almost forgot why I was on my way out.” Brett took an envelope from his back pocket. “This was left downstairs for you. Manny the security guy asked me where you were and I said I'd drop it off.”

The envelope had no name or address, and it was sealed. Mysterious. Maybe this was Jake's way of apologizing. Maybe it was from Nancy.

She looked up at Brett. He shrugged. Liv stopped hypothesizing and removed the single piece of white paper. The handwriting was unrecognizable. She scanned down to the bottom and her eyes widened at the name that had signed the note.


She reached for Brett's arm, squeezing for comfort.

Dear Olivia,

Saying I'm sorry will probably never be enough to fix the damage I've caused.

You see, I'm not a good man. One morning I woke up and realized that I had settled. I was selfish, still am selfish. I had dreams and desires I wanted to pursue. I had no business being a father and a husband. Leaving the two of you was the best decision I've ever made, because it gave you a chance at a happy future.

Please do not blame Jake for my mistakes. I betrayed him just as much as I betrayed you, and I don't blame him for quitting his job. Don't be quick to give up on him. He loves you. I've spent so much time feigning love that I know the real thing when I see it.

I want you to know that I think about you all the time, and I'm proud of the woman you've become. I don't expect a thing from you, but if you can find it in your heart to tolerate me, even if for only a few minutes, please meet me at City Tavern. I will have a standing reservation for three in case you decide to give another man a second chance.


Robert Shelton

Her father was the last person she expected to hear from. She felt…nothing. She was neither mad nor sad, happy nor disgusted. She was numb.