Page 49 of A Taste of Trouble

“I'm not working this weekend,” Liv blurted. “I have a few loose ends to take care of, but for the most part, I've given myself the weekend off. I was just going to stay in and watch movies, order food, and—”

Jake turned to face her. “Read?”

His look was inquisitive but mocking at the same time. He was teasing her again.

“Yeah, and read.”

“I'd be up for a movie and some food,” he said. “But probably not the reading.”

“Okay.” The fact that he was here in the morning was confusing enough, but agreeing to spend the day together?

He changed directions and headed to the kitchen. “Do you need a refill?”

“No thanks.” Liv was thankful for his decision to forego the shirt. He looked perfect just as he was. She, on the other hand… “Do you mind if I have a quick shower?”

“Not at all. Actually,” he filled his mug, “would you mind if I did the same when you're done?”

“Of course.” Walking backward, she kept her eyes on him the whole time. “I'll be quick.”

“Take your time. I'll just snoop around your bookshelf again and find something else to tease you about.”

Chuckling, she turned and headed into the bathroom.

If she was going to pursue anyone it might as well be him. She wasn't looking for permanent. And Jake wasn't the type of guy who stuck around for the long haul. This could be the perfect situation. He would leave and she would be ready for it.


No expectations.

No way for her to get hurt.

Chapter Twelve

It wasn't really a habit for Liv to put on makeup just to lounge around the house, but this was a special occasion. There was an unbelievably hot man waiting for her—an unbelievably hot man who would be in her shower next. Making sure she was presentable, she stepped out of the bathroom into her bedroom to grab some clothes.

Liv took a good ten minutes to find an outfit. She didn't want to dress up too much, but she didn't want to be too casual. She settled on a pair of black yoga pants and long V-neck wool sweater with a tank top underneath. She entered the living room, still running the towel through her wet hair.

Jake was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels. “This is a pretty sweet setup you have here.”

“I do enjoy my TV, but it's really because of Brett. When Patti lived here, he was sick and tired of the crappy television-watching experience, so he hooked us up with all the bells and whistles. When Patti moved in with him, I was lucky enough to keep it all. I don't know what I would do without my DVR. With working nights, I'm never home to watch my favorite shows.” You're rambling again. Shut up. “The shower is ready for you. I left some clean towels in there, and I found an extra toothbrush. Use whatever you want.”

“Thanks.” Jake slipped off the couch and sauntered to where she stood. Leaning closer, he whispered, “Pick a movie for us to watch after my shower.”

Just the simple heat of his breath on her skin made her head spin. And it continued to spin even as he walked away, stepped into the bathroom, and closed the door behind him.

A minute later, Liv heard the water running. She was just about to search the menu on the television for a movie when the phone rang. She had a feeling she knew who it was. “Hello.”

“So, how was he?”

“How's it going, Ozzie?” Liv couldn't help the roll of her eyes. “It's pretty late. I expected your call a while ago.”

“Do not distract from the hot topic. How was it?”


“Good?” he squealed. “Unacceptable answer.”

“All right, all right. It was…mind blowing.” Liv heard the water shut off in the bathroom. She would have to cut this short.