Page 40 of A Taste of Trouble

“So what do we know about this guy?” Brett fell into protective mode. A role he took on quite naturally since he'd started dating Patti. “Actually, he looks familiar. What's his name?”

“Jake Miller,” Austin answered. “You should see the way he looks at our girl.”

“He doesn't look at me any differently than any other man.” Liv knew deep down that there was something different about him. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she didn't care. Jake made her feel sexy, interesting and alive, and safe. For the first time in her life, she felt safe with a man.

“Don't listen to her. She doesn't know what she's talking about.” Austin gave her a hard look then turned his head back to Brett. “Liv's had her blinders on for so many years that she doesn't even know when a guy is really interested.”

“I don't have blinders on. I even suggested that we spend two weeks getting our business in order.” Their two-week deal was officially over, and she had promised she'd revisit the invitation to the book launch. Even though deep down she knew he wanted more than that. And she had steered clear of more for her entire adult life. But with Jake, she just couldn't control herself. It was more than just sexual urges, and that scared her to death. “And to make you feel better, Brett,” Liv continued, “he works down the street at a PR company. He has lots of friends from what I can tell and…” And he made her melt into a puddle with a single glance. But she'd never say that out loud.

“When is the two weeks up?” Patti asked.

She hesitated a moment, knowing that the truth would send her friends into hook-up mode. “Yesterday.”

They all grinned like Cheshire cats.

Brett sat back in his chair. “He's only looked over here about twenty times since you've been ranting.”

“We aren't exaggerating,” Patti said. “He is so into you.” She was a romantic. Deep down, so was Liv, but she was also realistic. A happily ever after just wasn't in the cards for her.

“And it begins!” Patti squealed as she raised her fists in the air with excitement. “Who's been keeping time, because here he comes.”

Liv watched Jake walk down the two steps onto the dining room floor. His dark hair was messy. His tie was loose around his neck. His lavender shirt made his already exquisite green eyes even more mesmerizing. She couldn't help but run her eyes down the length of his body. Everything about him screamed sex; he was all that was elementally male. Just the sight of him made her tingle from the top of her head to the tips of her toes.

She tried to convince herself that what she was feeling were just hormones. He was just another hot guy and there was nothing special about him. The fact the he called her gorgeous, that he took the time to get to know her, that he stirred feelings inside her she planned on keeping buried forever, had nothing to do with the throbbing sensation between her legs.

In the background, she heard Austin and Patti arguing over who won the bet.

“Didn't anyone keep time?” Patti put on a sad face.

“Sorry, honey.” Brett caressed her arm. “I was too distracted by the sexy hunk of a man at the bar.”

“We're all equals here, Patti,” Austin said. “Brett doesn't get an automatic Patti vote. Besides, I won. It has clearly been more than three minutes.”

Liv was ripped from her daze by Patti's call. “Hey! Earth to Liv. Before he gets here, you may want to wipe up the drool on your chin.” She reached over to swipe at Liv's chin. “Just a thought.”

Swatting away Patti's hand, Liv tried to compose herself, but she did make a quick swipe of her chin. Just to make sure.

“Hi, Liv.” Jake approached the table, his tall, lean body casting a shadow over the four of them.

“Hi, Jake. How are you doing?” She tried her best to be light and breezy.

“Great.” It seemed he was doing the same thing. “What are you doing here?”

“We're celebrating,” Austin piped in.

“Jake, these are my friends Austin, Patti, and Brett.”

Austin and Patti said hello with a sweet little wave of their fingers. Brett stood to shake his hand, testing the firmness of his handshake, no doubt.

“Hello, everyone.” Jake held his bottle of beer in front of this chest. He pivoted from one foot to the other. Was he nervous? “So, what are you celebrating?”

“All the renos are complete,” Liv answered. “Just a few loose ends to tie up.”

“That definitely deserves a celebration.”

She glanced awkwardly from her friends to Jake. Everyone was hesitant, uncertain of how to proceed. Except for Austin, of course.

“Jake, why don't you join us?” Austin pulled out the seat beside him. “We're drinking on McLean's dime. I'm sure Brett could use more testosterone at the table.”