“I wish I could do more to help out,” Liv said with a sigh. “But I know you'll have no trouble finding someone with exceptional talent to take my place.” Was it awful that deep down Liv hoped the person who did help Nancy wasn't as talented? She wanted to hold that special place in Nancy's heart forever.
“I know, dear.” Nancy chuckled, but it seemed forced. “This business isn't easy. Honestly, I don't know how you think you can pull this off.”
Liv drew away in shock. She glanced at Corey, who looked at them with disinterest. She had no understanding of how much that comment stung.
“I think you should have waited,” Nancy added.
“But I had a good teacher and there is plenty of business for everyone.” Liv had come to expect a great deal of support and guidance from Nancy. She needed some sage advice, but it seemed as if her mentor was checking out on her.
“That's a very naïve outlook, Olivia. Competition is first and foremost your number one obstacle. Don't take it lightly.”
Competition was healthy, she knew that. It kept you on your game. But it wasn't until this very moment that Liv realized her biggest competition would be Nancy. Nervousness settled in but it didn't have the chance to spread when Nancy got down to business. “Let's get started. We have a lot of work to do.”
Two hundred and fifty cupcakes and eighty cookies later, Corey and Liv were on their way to the finish line.
Liv grabbed one of the small, pre-wrapped boxes from the storage room. It was covered in pink paper with a green ribbon tied in a bow. Inside, a Styrofoam insert waited for the cookies to be placed in a beautiful arrangement. Liv loved the idea of a cookie bouquet. Once baked, and before they completely cooled, Liv pushed a white, wax-covered stick into the cookie. Once the cookies had set, they would be arranged like a bouquet of flowers.
“How are we coming along?” Nancy waltzed back into the kitchen.
“Sweet baskets made, cupcakes baked, and we've already started on the bouquets.” Liv rhymed off the items on her fingers.
“Thank you, Liv.” Sidling around the room, Nancy hugged her daughter from behind. “You're being so helpful. Thank you, too.”
“Yeah, yeah. You're just lucky that Liv was here today. She makes this place bearable,” Corey sniped.
“On that bright and sunny note,” Nancy said, cheerfully. “Look at these bouquets. You're an absolute genius.”
Liv stood a little taller as her chest filled with pride. And she wasn't too proud to admit her ego inflated just a tiny bit as well. She winked at her mentor. “I had a good teacher.”
Nancy left once again and, with Corey by her side, Liv got to work on decorating the cupcakes. Before too long, rich navy blue buttercream icing sat on top of chocolate cake.
As she piped the sweet icing, Liv thought about Jake. Her new business. Leaving behind everything at McLean's to start on her own. She sighed. Why couldn't life be as easy as baking?
Baking was simple, an exact science. Life, on the other hand, was messy. Not inviting anyone else into her life kept it simple. That was why, despite the gnawing feeling inside, she should be happy that Jake rebuffed her advances. Sex could get messy. A book launch party, on the other hand, was casual and not at all intimidating.
She picked up a plain cupcake and piped the icing onto the smooth surface. Jake and that almost kiss made it difficult for her to keep her head on straight.
“What's with you today?”
Liv emerged from her own thoughts and found Corey staring. “Nothing.”
“Yeah, right. Have you noticed what you've done to that cupcake?”
Liv cringed when she saw the horrific blobs of icing on top of the cupcake. She could normally decorate in her sleep. Maybe her encounter with Jake affected her a little more deeply than she acknowledged.
“Plus,” Corey continued, “You haven't stopped smiling the whole time you've been here. It's a little creepy. You were looking at that cupcake like you wanted to kiss it.”
“I do love cupcakes.” Liv tried to shrug off Corey's comment with a joke, but had a feeling the conversation wasn't done.
“What's his name?”
For a young one, she sure was intuitive, but Corey didn't need to know she was on the mark. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Whatever. You've gone gaga over some dude. Admit it.”
“I'm not gaga.” Maybe just a little bit. “I did meet a man…but I'm keeping it casual and that's that.” Despite the chemistry and the ease with which they connected, Liv knew Jake was dangerous.
“That is not that. He's got his hooks in you.”