Page 59 of Rush (White Lace 1)

When I returned my attention to Grace, she was smiling. “Who are you?”

I groaned. “I have no idea anymore.”

She grabbed my hand again. “Are you seeing Max tonight?”

“Five o’clock. Another training session.”

“You want my advice?”

I nodded vigorously. I needed all the help I could get.

“I don’t know how far you’re planning to go with him, but if you do have sex, make sure it’s on your terms. Tell him exactly what you want.” A wicked smile curved at the side of her mouth. “Besides, it’s a turn-on for men.”

I nodded. I could do that. When working in groups, I had no problem telling my fellow students how the project should be done. Why shouldn’t sex work the same way?

“Out of curiosity…who were you supposed to have sex with?”

She smiled and suppressed her laugh. “Mr.

Big Dick.”


“My thought exactly.” She grinned. “Although Ben was no disappointment.”

Now that I had seen Max’s penis, I knew he wouldn’t disappoint either. I just hoped I’d get the chance to experience it before we ran out of items to check off.

Three hours later, I burst through the front door of my house. My lungs didn’t burn. My legs didn’t feel like Jell-O. There was no taste of blood in my mouth.

“How do you feel?” Max squeezed my shoulder.

Excitement. Pride. Accomplishment. All of these emotions rushed over me at once. Funny how I’d never felt like this whenever it came to school. I was always getting A’s, I’d gotten into law school early, but never felt…like this.

“I feel as if I could rule the world.”

Next thing I knew, strong arms wrapped around me. I let it happen, even took it further. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He turned us and pressed me against the front door.

“I feel like I could keep going.”

“That’s the adrenaline. You should rest though.”

I leaned back, looking into his eyes. For the first time, there was vulnerability staring back at me.

“Thank you.”

He shrugged. “You did all the hard work. I just told you what to do.”

“No, not just for training me. For…” I settled my head against the door. “Everything. My bucket list is substantially less daunting because of you.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped.

I wished there were no boundaries between us, there were still so many things to learn about each other.

“By the way…” He squeezed my waist. “I’ve registered us for a two kilometer running clinic in May.”

I leaned in and captured his lips. “Whatever you want.” I wasn’t going to argue. I didn’t even want to think about running clinics. All I wanted to concentrate on was the movement of his lips against mine. Letting him know with every swipe of my tongue that I was grateful.

“What was that for?”