My family is here, Murphy. If you so much as—

“Penn is stubborn, likes to spar with her co-workers like a UFC fighter, doesn’t take well to criticism, and says whatever is on her mind.”

She’d shown them all that before she left Hawaii, and she was done hiding from them. But hearing this was for her, not them.

“She can be a little wild. Might drink a little too much before noon. And is intimate with every profane word ever in existence.”

Her face flushed, and she covered it with her hand.

“But here’s the thing…” Cole stopped just in front of her and let out a heavy breath. “I’d never ask her to change.”

Her head shot up.

“Penn is also hot.” He lifted his hand and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Sexy. And one hell of a kisser.”

Her entire body was reacting to his words. To the expression on his face. Her heart pounded triple time against her chest. Blood rushed through her ears, muffling the sounds going on around her, including his voice. She swallowed hard. Unable to get down the lump that had lodged into her throat. The nervous lump. The what-the-fuck-is-happening-right-now lump.

She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I think for the very first time Penn Foster is speechless.” He smiled. “A quiet Penn is a nice change.” He lowered his head, but his eyes remained fixed on her as he peeked up in nervousness. “Makes it easier for me to say things like I love you.”

She sucked in a breath and shook her head. She definitely was hearing things.

“I don’t want to spend another day not telling you how I feel. I love you, Pennelope. I think I’ve loved you since the first day I met you. I just didn’t know the feeling, but you woke me up. You made me believe that all of this—family, love, happiness—could happen for me.”

Her head spun. This was exactly what she’d wanted to hear in Hawaii. He’d had his opportunity to say these things to her in private. Without both of their families watching and listening.

She’d already told her family that she loved Cole. That their acceptance was expected. But she hadn’t told him that yet.

She planted her fists on her hips and stared him down. He couldn’t just waltz in here and whisper sweet nothings. This grand sweeping gesture wasn’t going to make up for the fact that he had broken her heart and left her.

“Can you also say that you’re an asshole?”

Cathy gasped in shock behind her. Jack was the one who let out a laugh.

“Yes, I will also admit that I am, in fact, an asshole.” He cleared his throat, and the sound echoed through the room. “But this asshole knows he made a mistake. Does that count for anything?”

She shrugged. Hitting him back with his own signature move.

“Penn, look at me,” he commanded. It sent a shiver up her spine. It was the same voice he used in the bedroom. The same vo

ice that had perfected the art of dirty talk. He grinned when she turned and looked into his eyes. No doubt he saw the desire flaring up.

“I’ve spent my entire life searching for happiness. And it’s been right under my nose for three years. I was just too stubborn to notice.”

Tears stung her eyes. But she bit them back. He couldn’t do this to her. He couldn’t give up and then expect her to jump back into his arms whenever he commanded.

He stood there, vulnerability in his eyes, just waiting for her to answer. He’d fucked up. Big time. But he was here. In the spotlight, something he despised, all to win her back. How could she say no to that?

“To make sure you know how serious I am, I brought reinforcements.”

He picked up a bag that sat on the kitchen island and pulled out a…trophy. One that looked exactly like the Foster Cup, but it was brand new.

He held it out. The gold-plated cup sparkled in the low light of the restaurant. The dark wood stand was pristine and it had two gold plates—a large one on the bottom with swirly lettering that read “Madewood Cup” and a smaller one near the top of the wood where her name and the date was etched in the same lettering.

“I’d like to present the very first Madewood Cup to Pennelope Foster.” He held out the trophy, and it sparkled in the light. “I might not have been able to help you win your family cup, but you deserve everything you want in this world. And if I have to sing karaoke or beat Finn in a game of H.O.R.S.E for you to get it, I will.”

She was pretty sure at that moment her heart melted. How could she say no to him? She didn’t want to say no.