“What I did tonight…” She looked up, biting her bottom lip. “Man, I’m going to catch a lot of shit for it tomorrow.”
“Either way, you were great. You were…more like you.” He reached out and brushed her hair away from her face.
Voices and laughter drifted from the resort. Lights twinkled in the distance as they stood on the path to their hut, sexual tension crackling between them.
“I should also thank you for pulling that stick out of my ass.”
She beamed up at him. “It was my pleasure.”
“Penn, I…”
She urged him on with a tilt of her head.
His eyes darkened in the moonlight. “I want you.”
She smiled and whispered, “I want you, too.”
With every moment that passed, with every second they gazed into each other’s eyes, her heart beat faster. Her stomach fluttered so badly it felt as though it would burst out of her skin. It was the greatest feeling, and she never wanted it to end.
Maybe it doesn’t have to.
She had planned to sell her qualifications to the Madew
ood boys hard, but what if she sat back and did…nothing? How likely would it be then that she’d be considered for a spot on the board?
When Cole reached out to grab her, she stepped away, looking both ways down the beach. She jerked her chin toward the hut. They stood silent for a beat, and then both of them laughed, bolting for the staircase that led to their private paradise. She stumbled a few feet from the hut, but she used a rock formation that housed a pond with bright orange fish to steady herself.
He was up the stairs before her, fumbling inside his pants pocket for the key card. She rested her hand against the shutter, trying her best to catch her breath, but Cole wasn’t interested in letting her rest. His hand clasped around the back of her head and brought her mouth to his. Now that they were out of sight, she sank into the kiss. Into the feel of his lips and tongue, and that special way he made her feel with all her senses.
He pressed her into the wall, his grinding erection a surprise against her stomach.
“Inside.” She sucked in gulping breaths. “Now,” she demanded.
He unlocked the shutters, and they slipped inside. She wasted no time undoing the buttons of his shirt and parting the edges. She ran her hands through the sprinkle of chest hair, loving the way it felt on her hands, the rough contrast to the firm smoothness of the rest of him.
He locked the shutters, keeping out everything that threatened to ruin them. Real life had no place on this island, in this hut. And she was going to enjoy this fantasy for the short time they had left together.
She led him over to the pillow bed and pushed at his chest. “Sit.”
He stumbled back, his butt hitting the center of the pillow.
When he had settled and crossed his legs, she smiled down at him. “How about a dance?”
Her mouth watered at the sight of the wedge of tanned skin between the open sides of his shirt, wanting nothing more than to lick her way from his nipples to his cock.
She didn’t have any music, but it didn’t matter because she was too hyped to actually dance. Instead, she slowly and sensually removed her clothing, one item at a time, starting with undoing the belt at her waist, then the zipper in back. The dress fell to the floor and she stepped out of it. She walked up and stopped at the edge of the pillow bed, widening her stance.
He rubbed at his cock through his pants, watching her with half-lidded eyes. She stepped onto the mattress, and he stretched out his legs between hers as she came closer and closer, until the juncture of her thighs was inches from his face. She spread her legs and lowered her body, letting her core slide down his chest. Just before touching his erection, she eased back up. She teased him like that a few times, sometimes with a hand to his face, sometimes with a lick to his lips. With each movement, the flimsy lace of her thong scratched against her clit.
When she was satisfied he’d been tortured enough, she stood and turned, again putting her feet to either side of his legs. After bending over, she grabbed her ankles.
“Take out your cock,” she commanded, looking at him through her legs.
He smiled and did as he was told. “You want this?” He rubbed at the hard length.
She’d never wanted anything more in her life.
“Then you should already be ready for me.” He stroked her backside, kneading and squeezing what she knew was his favorite body part.