She choked out a laugh and let her head fall back against the seat. “Oh, yeah.” She filled her lungs, trying to regulate her breathing. She looked up at the sky. Bright blue. Not a cloud to be seen. And then she looked into Cole’s glittering eyes. They were dark chocolate. A nice contrast to the light reddish brown of the mud that was all over his neck and collar.

“I want…” His lips grazed hers, a soft caress she knew would get molten hot if they let it.

“Tell me.” Her head fell back, her words coming out on a breathy whisper.

Nipping her bottom lip between his teeth, he made a throaty sound. But he was still mute.

“Do you want me on my knees?” She’d yet to taste his cock. The thought sent a shiver down her spine.

Their eyes met, and he nodded.

He had no idea how much it turned her on, the fact that he was trying, albeit unsuccessfully. But it was all the more sexy.

“Do you want me to touch you?” She urged him on with a tilt of her chin. “Taste you?”

He let out a long breath, and then his shoulders rose as he inhaled, as if regrouping.

“And you.” He looked down at her. “Touch yourself?” The flush in his face might be from the race or from whatever sexual hesitation he was working through, but since he’d asked, there was no way she’d say no.

Although she didn’t respond right away, the seconds that followed his request were anything but silent. Sexual energy buzzed between them, lighting a fire inside her body that had been on a slow simmer since she’d first met him. But now that she’d had a taste, she had no idea how she was going to extinguish it. “I like the sound of that.”

His shoulders fell, relief washing over him as he tightened his grip around her hips.

She slid off the buggy seat and guided them to a dry patch of gravel near the tree line. With quick movements, she undid the buttons of his coveralls, then slid them off his shoulders so they pooled around his ankles. She made quick work of her own, leaving herself enough room to spread her thighs and give him his fantasy.

On her knees in front of him, she removed her gloves and threw them to the dirt. There was nothing gentle about the way he looked at her in that moment, and with one graceful movement, his cock was out. He stroked his erection a few times, then smoothed the tip across her anxious lips. When she stuck out her tongue, he groaned.

There were no lingering caresses, no tender touches. Just the thrust of his cock inside her mouth. With one hand she stroked him, alternating between taking him deep and fisting him. Her other hand found its way inside her coveralls and stroked her clit. She thrust two fingers inside, and when she moaned around his cock, he pushed in as far as she’d take him and stayed there. With wet fingers, she circled her hard bead in a perfect rhythm—the one that took no time to get her off. The one she had perfected over the years when she’d needed a quick and satisfying release—usually thinking of Cole as she did so.

He wasn’t the only one fulfilling a fantasy.

Her pleasure built, and so did his grunts.

His hands grabbed her hair, and he guided her mouth down his cock with long steady movements. She did the same to her clit, but in double time. Within seconds she was shaking, her legs fighting to give out, the gravel pinching her knees. She moaned again, and he cursed as he fucked her mouth.

Her panting grew as she tried to breathe around his substantial length and thickness. She couldn’t help it; she bit down when the first spasms of her clit vibrated under her fingers.

She jerked forward.

“Shit, shit,” he moaned.

As the waves of pleasure spread through her body, she lost all concentration. She embraced her orgasm, let it wash over her like a hot summer wind.

Next thing she knew, he had released his grip on her hair, pulled out, and turned his body. Her hand continued to jerk his cock off to the side, splashes of his pleasure shooting out and hitting the ground.

She collapsed back on her heels, taking the pressure off her knees, and he stumbled back, resting against a tree. They stayed silent for a long moment, catching their breath.

“Wow.” It was the only word that did any justice to how she was feeling.

“Yeah,” he agreed, and smiled over at her.

They returned their clothes to their rightful places, then made the call to the tour office.

Cole leaned against the buggy on her side, crossing one foot over the other.

She leaned forward and rested her chin on his arm. “That was out of this world.”

His lips curved up in a smile, and he let his head fall to the side, catching her stare.