“What?” He looked at her like she’d gone off the deep end. Maybe she had. At this moment she felt like she was drowning. Like every decision she’d ever made to get her career on track was now rendered null and void by him just being in her room.

“Cathy’s at the door,” she spat.

The last thing she needed was for her family to create some conspiracy theory about her relationship with Cole. Even worse, what if she did get the offer to be on the board? Would her family think it was because she was screwing him?

She looked around him to the railing. Maybe he could jump off the balcony? But when she couldn’t see the ground, she knew it was too far a drop.

“Are you seriously contemplating me jumping off the balcony?” He laughed, but it was a nervous laugh.

She looked up, pleading, “Please. Hide.”

His shoulders dropped and he gave in, letting her pull him toward the bedroom. She pushed him over the threshold, and he tumbled inside just as another loud knock sounded on the door.

Cathy’s voice penetrated the room. “Pennie, are you in there?”

“Stay here,” she whispered. Pointing to the door with her thumb, she said, “I’ll get rid of her.”

She gently shut him inside, then walked with super-speed toward Cathy, righting her robe and tightening the tie around her waist.

When she opened the door, Cathy barreled in. “Good morning, sleepy head.”

Even after four cups of coffee Penn was never that perky.

She watched as her sister-in-law toured her hotel room, peeking into the kitchenette and the balcony. She even glanced into the open doorway of the bathroom.

It was obvious she was looking for Cole.

“What’s up, Cath?”

With a defeated look, Cathy stopped her inspection. “You didn’t answer my text.” Her blond hair was pulled up into another high ponytail. The clip holding it together matched her pale blue fingernails.

“I’m barely awake.” Penn crossed one arm over her chest and rested her hand in the crease of her elbow.

“We have lots on the itinerary today, including breakfast and volleyball…”

Penn tuned out.

Yay. More family time. Exactly how she wanted to spend her time when she had a half-naked Cole hiding in her bedroom.

“Dad made us reservations tonight for—”

Fuck me.

Penn zeroed in on Cole’s coffee mug sitting on the small table on the balcony. This whole situation was overwhelming, so much so, that she was being careless.

“Pennie”—Cathy tapped her foot on the floor, bringing her attention back to the conversation at hand—“are you coming with us?”

Right. Volleyball. Dinner. Family time.

But when Penn didn’t answer right away, the smile on Cathy’s face disappeared, and her shoulders slumped forward. “I thought you’d want to spend time with the family since we never see you, and—”

“I’ll be there.”

Penn silently scolded herself. Cathy was genuinely excited for the family to be together. Even though excitement wasn’t the first thing that came to mind when thinking about the Foster clan, this was a good opportunity to spend time with her niece and nephew that she barely saw.

Cathy did one more not-so-subtle perusal of her room. “Will Cole be joining us?”

Penn wanted to say yes. But she didn’t have any expectations where Cole was concerned. He was here to help her win the cup, which meant she only needed him for the scavenger hunt. Although last night they’d agreed to explore a new facet of their relationship. One she was hoping she could explore once more before she had to leave for breakfast.