He nodded, scrambling out of the tangle of his shorts, then followed the gesture of her chin to the corner of the bedroom. He rummaged in the top compartment and found the box.

He sheathed himself in mere seconds, then returned to her perfect bottom, kneeling between her legs. He pressed the tip of his cock insider her, then pulled out. Over and over, reveling in the sounds of her moans.

Then she got greedy. Before he had the chance to pull out, she rammed her bottom backward, and he was balls deep into the most impressive woman he’d ever met.

He grabbed her ass cheeks, squeezing them tight, knowing if he continued, her ass would be pink from his manhandling. Something inside his chest swelled at the thought of leaving his mark on her.

He used his arms to bring their bodies together, his hands grasping the flesh of her bottom. It was so perfect. So creamy. And she was loving it all. Everything he had to give.

He was mesmerized by the sight of his cock disappearing into her. The louder her moans, the faster he thrust, the harder he smacked his hips into her ass.

It was all too much.

He came with a roar. Much too quickly. Emptying every last drop of his pleasure inside her.

They fell in a tumble of limbs onto the bed, and he pulled her against him, hot and sweat-soaked.

Sex for the first time with someone was never this intense for him. This all-consuming. But he and Penn had known each other for too long, and they’d let the attraction between them crackle until it caught fire.

Now that it had, he needed to stay strong, focused. Because as soon as they left this island, that attraction would have to be extinguished.

Chapter Six

Penn awoke to a gentle breeze wafting through the sliding glass doors. The view from her room was spectacular. The sun glistened off the ocean, palm trees swayed in the wind, and the gentle sounds of exotic birds reminded her that she wasn’t at home.

And so did the warm arm draped over her torso. It wasn’t often that she woke up with a man in her bed. Not because she’d never had men in her bed, but because she’d preferred they hit the road once the bell sounded, signaling the end of their intimate match.

But she wasn’t kicking Cole Murphy out of her bed. No way, no how. Not fucking likely.

She lay there, taking it all in—the sounds of nature, the soft cadence of his breathing, the heat of his body pressed against hers. If someone had told her two days ago that Cole would be in her bed, she’d have laughed—silently lamenting the depressing reality, but laughing nonetheless.

She slipped from under the sheet and dropped her feet to the cool hardwood floor. She stretched her back, bringing her arms up and clasping her hands together high in the air with a deep breath. She glanced over her shoulder at the man sleeping soundly.

The sheet had conveniently been pulled from his body, leaving his chest and abs on full display, his man-parts barely covered. Seeing him here in the bright light of day, in her bed, confirmed that last night had, in fact, happened. It was not a dream.

And wow. Even her dreams had never been so amazing, so vivid, or mind-blowing. She’d finally given in to her lust… And it had been even better than she’d ever imagined.

She slipped on a floral silk robe that hung mid-thigh and tiptoed to the bathroom, then quietly made her way to the main area of the small bungalow. A white couch sat on the far wall of the living area in between two matching wingback chairs and a small table. Another sliding glass door led out to a small patio with an amazing view of the ocean. Which is where she would be sitting as soon as she got some caffeine in her veins.

Outside the front door, a tray with coffee and juice had been left outside the room, just as she’d asked. She placed the tray in the small kitchenette, then poured herself a cup.

Immediately the strong aroma woke her from her haze. But it wasn’t an alcohol haze. It was a sex haze. Cole Murphy definitely knew how to get a girl drunk on sex, on his kisses and touches.

She took her coffee to the patio and settled into one of the chairs. She breathed in deep. The air was so fresh, so intoxicating, compared to back home. Like she could start her day with a clean slate every morning, regardless of how bad, obnoxious, or horny she’d been the day before, thanks to Cole’s arrival.

The ocean waves mesmerized her. Surfers crashed over the white ripples, and she longed to be athletic enough, brave enough, to go out on the water and paddle herself to exhilaration.

A few minutes later, the bedroom door flew open, and Cole stood in the doorway. Damn, she could get used to that sight every morning.

He rubbed at one eye with the heel of his hand. His dark hair stood up at all sides. He’d thrown on his shorts, but his chest was gloriously bare, the sprinkling of dark hair the perfect amount to run her fingers through and set her mouth to watering. She knew just how coarse that hair was. How it felt rubbing against the soft skin of her back. Against her nipples. She suppressed her shiver.

He yawned with a loud exhale and finally noticed her on the balcony. “Do we have any coffee?”

Once again, her gaze strayed from his face. Who would blame her when she had inch after inch of bare skin to ogle? But when it dipped below his abdomen, her eyes widened. Staring back at her was his morning stiffy. She hadn’t remembered it being so…substantial. She hadn’t gotten the opportunity to touch it last night.

She took a sip of her coffee, sneaking a peek over the rim. Although she wasn’t really sneaking anything. She blatantly admired, tapping her finger on the edge of the ceramic, unable to shake the grin from turning up the sides of her lips.

“Really, Penn?” Cole’s disgruntled voice forced her eyes up. He stood in the doorway, running his hand across the back of his neck, unable to look her in the eye. “It’s biology. Can’t help it. It’s not that I want to jump your bones.”