He sat back in his chair, his body still facing forward, but his head swiveled to look at her. He leveled her with an unamused sneer. “I don’t think you’re in any position to be judging, Pennie.”

She returned his sneer with one of her own. “Ha ha.”

“Did you maybe forget to tell your family that you’re the life of the party?”

“My family is…complicated.” Okay. It wasn’t really that complicated. She didn’t want to disappoint her parents. Having a daughter who bucked at every rule and ideal they had wouldn’t garner parental pride. So she kept a low profile. Although, until Cole had brought it up, she hadn’t realized just how different she became when she was around them.

“Bullshit. You’re afraid to show them who you are.”

He swiveled in his chair, and his leg brushed against hers. The coarse hair rubbed against her skin and sent a shiver down her spine. Body hair wasn’t supposed to be sexy or an aphrodisiac. But with Cole, everything about him had her engines revved.

“I am not afraid.”

She’d never admit that he was right. But she was afraid. Of her brothers’ criticism. Of not living up to the woman her parents expected her to be. But most of all, of not earning her father’s love and respect.

And you would wash all that down the drain if you pursued Cole.

“I just… It was rough trying to live up to my father’s standards. Not to mention anytime one of us did anything wrong we had to drop and give him ten.”

Which was why she had arms of steel. Silver lining.

“Wow. Maybe you’re the one who needs to loosen up.” He laughed. And it warmed her heart. She loved to see him laugh and smile. It didn’t happen very often.

There was a reason he was so guarded, so fearful of getting close to someone. And she knew it stemmed from his childhood—both his mother, and later, the foster care system.

Maybe if she got a little alcohol in him, he’d finally open up. Explain why he was so sad all the time. Why he was so opposed to letting her—or anyone—in. Above all, even her libido, she wanted his trust.

She called over to the bartender. “Four shots of tequila, please.”

The bartender nodded and turned to grab a bottle from the back of the bar.

Cole leaned in, his fresh scent washing over her, causing her thoughts to hiccup. “Are you trying to get me drunk, Ms. Foster?”

The bartender placed the shot glasses on the bar and filled them to the top.

She handed Cole one of the shots. “To the Foster Family Fun-cation.” She held up her shot glass. “And to finally winning that fucking cup.”

Cole nodded and clinked his glass with hers. She lost sight of him when she tilted her head back and let the fiery liquid coat her throat. They both reached for the second shot.

This time, Cole said their toast. “To building a club that will make a difference.” He reached out and held his glass up to hers. Of course his toast would have something to do with saving people. He let out a heavy breath, and some of his sad expression dissipated with it. “But first, to finally having some fucking fun.”

She smiled and clinked her glass to his. “Here, here.” She sucked in a deep breath. The second shot went down worse than the first. “And I’m just the right crazy person to take on that challenge.”

He shook his head with a laugh. “You definitely make me crazy.”

What kind of crazy, Cole?

“My first suggestion… You need to take that stick out of your butt and loosen up.”

“Is that right?” He swayed in closer. His knee brushed the inside of her thigh, and the contact sent a shockwave through her system.

Something was up. Cole Murphy never got this close. Ever.

If she looked up into the sky, would she see pigs flying?

“You can have fun anywhere, Penn. I hate that about you, but admire it at the same time.”

A compliment. Sort of. Definitely weird. She laughed. If she didn’t know any better, she would have thought Cole Murphy was flirting with her. And doing a pretty damn good job, considering the man was all business and no play.