“So you couldn’t wait to see me,” he said and stepped away to let Gunner in.

Gunner locked the trailer, and then stood on his toes to pull Caspian down for a kiss, as if he’d been suffering without it. His warm lips tasted of mint and strawberry, prompting Caspian to nip at them, imagining sweet juice drizzling down his tongue.

He chuckled, hooking his thumbs through the belt loops of Gunner’s jeans and pulling him closer. “How did it go?”

“Later,” Gunner hummed and pushed Caspian’s towel to the floor, leaving him naked. “Oh yess…” He ran his palms up the tattooed chest and sides, provoking a sudden hunger for pale, juicy flesh.

If his cutie was too horny to chat and wait for the picnic, Caspian was glad to fulfill his wishes.

“So impatient. Gonna help you let off all that steam,” Caspian whispered, dragging his hands up and down Gunner’s chest, and exposing the rosy nipples under the T-shirt. He’d become slightly obsessed with them, as Gunner made the cutest little noises when Caspian squeezed and pinched them, or just rolled them between the fingers.

Gunner nodded, already unzipping his pants. “That’s all I need. You.”

Their eyes met, and the hunger burning in Gunner’s eyes was the match to light a raging fire in Caspian. He pushed Gunner at the empty table and sat him on the edge before dragging the offending piece of fabric off him. “Then you’ll get what you deserve, slut. My big, throbbing cock drilling you until you have to bite your lips to keep from screaming,” he said and nipped on Gunner’s nipple.

Gunner whimpered and wrapped his arms around Caspian’s neck, already spreading his legs. His pliant eagerness was like a ripening fruit, sweeter each time Caspian bit in. Not only did he love the shape of Gunner and what his body did for Caspian’s cock, but it was Gunner’s wicked mind and filthy mouth that had Caspian revving from zero to a hundred each time.

“All yours,” Gunner whispered.

Caspian pushed between his thighs, wrapping the slender legs around him as he loudly breathed in Gunner’s scent, licking and kissing the soft skin until his prick was so heavy he needed to widen his stance.

“Come on,” Gunner said between one gasp and another. “I need to feel your dick in me now. Give it to me hard. Give it to me rough. Give it to me like I’m your little bitch. Cause I am.”

Caspian had been in the mood for a hot, passionate tumble, but Caspian’s words triggered the right switches in his brain, and he grabbed Gunner’s narrow jaw, staring straight into his eyes. “Is that right? You want me to bruise you too?”

He knew he was spot-on when Gunner’s lip trembled, and his eyes turned into deep wells. “Bite me, scratch me, mark me, and leave me dripping,” he whispered, and no dirty talk on Grindr could ever match the intensity in his voice. This was real. A handsome twink who loved to be around Caspian wanted to be marked by him. Wanted to submit to him. Wanted to take his spunk.

It was all Caspian had ever wanted, and in his mind he was already tattooing Gunner’s skin with his name.

“You are mine. Do you even remember another guy was trying to take you from me last night?” he asked and slapped Gunner’s cheek. His heart stopped when the boy’s eyes widened, because maybe he should have asked if that was okay, but then Gunner licked the inside of his palm and Caspian roughly twisted his nipple, grinding his crotch against the supple buttocks.

“Vaguely. He was no match for you though, was he?” Gunner reached for Caspian’s pec, but he was no longer in charge.

“Pass me the belt.” Caspian pointed to the piece of leather resting on the chair, and his cock twitched when Gunner reached for it without question. As soon as the small hand squeezed around the loop, Caspian dragged him back to his feet, took the belt and bent Gunner over, pressing his naked chest to the smooth white table top.

Holding the leather strap between his teeth, he pulled the boy’s hands back with enough pressure for it to feel like a threat yet not cause pain. “You followed him to the restroom, and he’d have had you over the toilet if I hadn’t come to get you. You drank far too much, you reckless, volatile slut. From now on, I’m in control of your drinking, understood?” he said and pushed his knee against the backs of Gunner’s balls as he prepared the belt cuffs in a way he’d seen online. Gunner wouldn’t be able to get out of those so easily. He’d be trapped and at Caspian’s mercy for as long as necessary.

“Yes. You’re in charge.” Gunner trembled, and his beautiful submission lured out Caspian’s inner wolf.