“What... the fuck? You broke my nose!”

“You should be happy I didn’t break your neck,” Caspian roared and kicked the bastard over for good measure. He was a shark tasting blood in the water, and instinct told him to split the fucker’s lip next, break his legs, slam his head into the mirror and see whether his brain was pink or gray. But the soft whine coming from the stall was like a bucket of icy water thrown on his head.

Also, he wasn’t a psycho.

Gunner was attempting to get up but slipped and dropped back on the closed seat. His face was flushed a pretty pink color, but his eyes were clouded in a way that looked like sleepiness rather than lust.

“Cas, I think I drank too much,” he slurred, but Caspian was right by him and pulled him up by the armpits.

“We both forgot you can’t take as much booze as you’re used to. Don’t worry, I’ll take you home,” he whispered and, after a moment’s hesitation, picked Gunner up and cradled him against his chest while the bastard who’d tried to assault him crawled into the corner in an attempt to get out of their way.

Good. Maybe he’d learn something from this.

“Nn, mea culpa, right Cas?” Gunner grinned, and wrapped his limbs around Caspian as if he were a little monkey when they walked out to a few curious glances. The sooner they left, the better, because Caspian didn’t want to explain himself to the police if the bathroom guy had the audacity to report the incident and claim he’d been the victim.

He nodded at the bouncer who’d let them in earlier and walked out into the cold night, heading straight for his fancy car. Gunner hummed against Caspian’s neck but didn’t protest when Caspian searched his pockets for the key and then placed him on the passenger’s seat. He looked so adorable in the tight jeans worn with a loose T-shirt and leather jacket that temptation lured Caspian into placing his hand on the warm thigh, but he only gave it a squeeze and smiled at Gunner, who was still conscious despite the limpness of his body.

“Give it half an hour, and you’ll be sleeping like a baby.”

“What? Noooo… Let’s go to the backseat.” Gunner offered Caspian a silly smile and grabbed at Caspian’s shirt, even though he could barely hold his eyes open. “I love you—your dick.”

Caspian’s heart skipped a beat at first, but he shook his head when the drunk boy corrected himself. “Wow, I’m touched.”

Gunner giggled and leaned forward, planting his face in Caspian’s crotch. “No, you will be touched.”

Caspian could have gone with it. Gunner was hot, and they fucked around like bunnies, so it was unlikely Gunner would be unhappy over a bit of drunk sex, but it still didn’t feel right, so he gently peeled the boy off him and buckled his seatbelt. “I’d rather you remember every time I come inside you.”

“Cum.” Gunner chuckled like an eight-grader and rolled his head over the back of the seat.

“I’ll give you some tomorrow, to cure your hangover,” Caspian said and shook his head as he took in the driver’s seat, which had been adjusted to Gunner’s size and wouldn’t offer him enough space to fit in. So he rolled it back and sat in the vehicle, preparing it for the drive.

“I don’t want tomorrow. The fucking garden party’s tomorrow,” Gunner whined, his voice suddenly betraying upset.

Caspian started the car and drove away from the bar just as the guy who’d tried to assault Gunner spilled out into the parking lot, holding a tissue to his face. Caspian had no regrets over breaking his nose, even though he wasn’t a fan of solving conflict with violence.

“We can still meet up once it’s over.”

“Yeah, but like, everyone will see I’m a fraud,” Gunner’s breathing got louder as he stared ahead. “How am I supposed to fake being you, when you’re so smart, and all the Latin I know is Scio me nihil scire.”

Caspian bit back a smile, because that was actually a pretty good use of I know that I know nothing in a sentence.

“Just keep calm and you’ll be fine. It’s just a garden party with a buffet, not high tea with the queen of England. I’m sure you’ll manage,” he said, even though deep down he worried that Gunner might end up saying something inappropriate. Caspian’s parents would then be embarrassed and never let him forget it, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. There was no point in making Gunner self-conscious about things he couldn’t immediately change.

“And then what? I’ll fail at your job, ‘cause I’m too stupid to do it, and your dad’s really putting pressure on me. I’m meeting his partner tomorrow.” Gunner sniffed and rubbed his face.