“I know, I know, I injured your body. I’m sorry. I should have been more careful.”

Caspian swallowed and faced him. “Bruises will fade. But you had to be in this skin when it happened, and I could have helped. It’s my fault. Lie down,” he said and walked to the ensuite.

“You’re not mad about it?” Gunner mumbled and did as told.

Fatigue settled in his muscles the moment he rested his head on the pillow, as if the stress of this past day had only caught up with him.

“It’s not your fault those damn gorillas targeted you,” Caspian said, reappearing with a plastic bowl of water and two dry cloths. “I know how it is. You’re doing your own thing, and some asshole just chooses to fuck your day up out of boredom.” He sat on the bed, dunked the pieces of fabric in the water and placed them on Gunner’s ribs and stomach, where he’d gotten hit the hardest. Cool yet not unpleasantly so, the damp compresses offered instant relief.

In the faint glow of the lamp, the frown on Caspian’s face appeared deeper, and he was so focused on his task Gunner chose to stay still and let him do his thing.

The heavy silence must have weighed on them both, because Caspian finally spoke. “I won’t let this ever happen again. No one’s gonna hurt you on my watch.”

Gunner choked up. He’d learned to fend for himself at an early age and had been his dad’s pushover, Noah’s protector, always on his toes around ’friends’ to avoid showing weakness. No one had ever promised to keep him safe, but despite the grudge Caspian held toward him, he was being sincere.

“Why?” was the single thing that came to Gunner’s mind as his heart drummed at a frantic pace, desperate to communicate that it wanted to believe those promises, even though they were made by an almost-stranger who’d been Gunner’s enemy only a day ago.

Caspian cleared his throat, looking away, but the twitching at the side of his jaw betrayed how nervous he was. “Because it’s right. And because I can. And because I want to,” he said, his gaze spearing Gunner’s bruised chest.

Gunner knew he shouldn’t, knew he ought to be angry, but he couldn’t help himself and ran his fingers over Caspian’s thick, muscular forearm. The temptation to roll into bed with the man who promised to protect him became too strong.

“We’ll change back tomorrow. The universe, or whatever, has taught me my lesson.”

Caspian’s shoulders sagged, and he entwined their fingers.

“You really think so?”

Gunner nodded. “It makes sense. Happened after I… hurt you last night.”

Caspian mumbled something and rubbed his face. “Back to the drawing board, huh? At least I won’t have to transport drugs and pretend I know how to box.”

“And I won’t have to work out what suit to choose for a party where I don’t fit in, to secure a job I can’t do. I don’t even know what you used to study.”

But for all that talk, Gunner was missing this new body already. He squeezed Caspian’s hand, but instead of giving it a shake, Caspian pulled it to his face, pressing a kiss to the delicate skin at the inner side of Gunner’s wrist.

“It doesn’t matter now.”

How was Gunner to let go of this gentle touch? Sure, he liked the pancakes, the big house, and comfy bed, but this? What he’d shared with Caspian today? He mourned the loss already.

“It doesn’t. I don’t need to pretend when I’m with you.”

Caspian nodded, rubbing Gunner’s arm. “Can I stay here tonight?” he asked, as if it wasn’t his house, his room, and his bed. But he wasn’t asking for a more comfortable sleep. Like Gunner, he didn’t want to let go of this strange dream yet.

Gunner pulled him onto the bed. “Yeah, Sandy can be loud in the morning and you need the rest.” A stupid excuse to be close. He had no idea how he would live on in his old body after today.

Back to being a big bad bastard with a tattooed face.

Back to ‘friends’ whom he didn’t trust.

Back to constant financial worries and the ever-looming threat of Snowman’s boss sending Gunner to the bottom of a lake with sandbags attached to his ankles.

But tonight, he could be the sweet boy Caspian desired, and when the other man leaned in, Gunner shut his eyes before warm lips touched his in a soft, soothing kiss. So unlike the greedy ones from before yet just as delicious.

He wrapped his arms around the thick neck, and even the pain in his ribs subsided when Caspian slid his thigh between Gunner’s legs. Their earlier conflict didn’t matter, and all of it would unravel tomorrow anyway, so what would be this one more indulgence? Until the dream lasted, Gunner chose to believe the big guy stroking his side was his man and his protector. It was okay to be vulnerable and sweet with him.