He was big, inked, the son of a biker, and enjoyed boxing.

His massive body might be imposing but not graceful.

His face handsome but not tempting.

Even his cock was of an intimidating size.

But all those things weren’t true today. Today, he had this new, perfectly lovable body, and as he pulled off the ugly pajamas to reveal pale, smooth skin in front of the mirror in Caspian’s bedroom, the cute, uncut prick responded to the fantasy of a man breaking into this house and finding him like this—naked and vulnerable.

With a face that many girls would envy.

He turned around to get a better look at his round butt.

“Anyone want a piece of this?” he whispered, testing his voice. “You have to earn it.”

God, even his voice sounded seductive!

He laughed out loud and rearranged his hair. Then rearranged it again. The smooth brown haircut was a bit boring, but Gunner could work with it. He’d seen boys with mid-length hair, who were absolutely stunning. And who knew what the future held? Maybe he’d get enough time to grow it out?

The longer he watched his reflection in the warm rays of the morning sun, the more certain he was that any guy with even the remotest interest in men would be up for the cutie in the mirror. Gunner would shave off the mess of pubes to showcase his cock, and maybe get rid of the leg hair, but if he were to wish upon a star, he couldn’t have asked for a nicer form to inhabit.

A sudden urgency twisted his chest, and he took in the open wardrobe, at shelves stacked with boxes and a row of identical drawers. What kind of underwear did Caspian wear? Would it be colorful and fun or sexy, with sheer panels of mesh?

But when he opened the top drawer, it revealed neatly folded pieces of fabric in various combinations of black, brown, navy, and gray. Dirty red was the most daring shade in the collection, and as Gunner picked out a checkered piece, it unfolded into loose boxer shorts that were less inspired than Gunner’s own underwear.

This couldn’t be all of it. Could it? Caspian surely had something he wore when he intended to have sex.

Annoyed, Gunner pulled the long drawer all the way out and grinned when he found a wad of cash hidden at the very bottom, but his attention was soon drawn to a stack of white undershirts covering an uneven shape. A secret stash of sexy undies Caspian hid from his mom?

But the smile dropped from his mouth the moment he pulled the fabric aside to reveal twin silicone globes.

He wasn’t sure what he was looking at for a while, so he pulled the thing out only to stare, stunned, because there was no denying what it was now.

A fake butt.

A silicone, peachy, fake butt.

Squishy to the touch, with a hole for fucking and a set of artificial balls sticking out from between the legs that ended just below the pertest ass. As he breathlessly held the globes open, a crack appeared in the artificial skin, but before he could have gathered his thoughts, the door slammed against the wall, and a cool breeze touched his skin as a dark silhouette towered in the corridor.

A part of Gunner believed for a moment that his home invasion fantasy had come to life the same way the one about a perfect twinky body, a loving family, and playing the piano had, but then the intruder screamed, and his voice sounded familiar enough to shatter his hopes.

Gunner he was face to face with… himself.

Chapter 4 - Caspian

The damn pickup choked again. The transmission needed fixing, and judging by the stale smell in the cab, the air-con needed work too. Caspian couldn’t believe even someone as slovenly as Gunner Russo could have neglected his vehicle so badly. The repairs would take money, but clean-up was free. There was no excuse for the crumbs littering the dips in upholstery nor the beer cans and other trash piled up on the floor.

The state of the car made Caspian think of the man himself. Mother Nature had given Gunner the body of a god, yet he’d wrecked it by inking his face, smoking cigarettes—which sadly Caspian now craved—and living in a hovel. The things Caspian could do in life with a body like Gunner’s…

And the worst thing was that among all the litter surrounding Caspian wasn’t a single snack to stifle the ravenous hunger that not only twisted Caspian’s insides but also sat on his skull and squeezed his brain, so he pulled into a gas station the moment he spotted it. The real Gunner could wait while Caspian stuffed his face with junk.

He managed not to hit his head this time and rolled out of the old truck with eyes already set on the Doritos he’d spotted through the shop window. Pulling out the wallet he’d managed to track down once he found the clothes Gunner had worn the previous night, he sped through the automatic doors, his feet carrying him to the snack aisle when he walked straight into someone.