Gunner stumbled to his knees, out of breath and confused. Caspian had a date? And hadn’t told him? He was getting hot and cold all at once, as if his brain was short circuiting.

Lionel snorted, not realizing Gunner was about to crash-land and break all his bones. “He’s actually cleaned up quite nicely last month. Breaking that guy’s nose gave him all the big dick energy he’s been lacking.”

Fay laughed and pushed at Lionel’s arm. “Stop it!”

“Stop what? It’s true!” Lionel grinned. “He’s a five-foot-three Don Draper now.”

“W-who’s your brother?” Gunner choked out.

Fay shrugged and pressed the tape measure to the side of the arch before making a note in her cell phone. “Don’t think you know him. He’s a graphic artist.”

“And a hot twink. Just Caspian’s type,” Lionel mused, stepping away when Fay tried to slap his calf.

Gunner got back to his feet, dizzy from all the emotions hitting him like a hammer to the head. Caspian wasn’t the kind of person to maliciously withhold information, so he likely didn’t think it was a big deal, but being kept out of the loop still hurt, because Caspian was moving on while Gunner… was still hopelessly in love.

“I’m gay,” he stated without even stuttering.

Both Fay and Lionel turned their heads to stare at him.

The silence went on for so long Gunner was starting to get chills, but Fay finally broke it with a chortle to Lionel. “Told you that’s how Caspian knew him.”

Lionel spread his arms, sizing up Gunner from head to toe. “Well fuck me sideways. My gaydar didn’t even make a blip.”

Fay rubbed her nose. “Is there a reason you’re telling us? If you want a shot at my brother, you gotta stand in line.”

“N-no. I just wanted you to know.”

Lionel opened his arms but only hugged Gunner when given permission. “Thanks for telling us, big guy.”

He’d broken a lot of barriers today, and the world hadn’t ended.

Which meant it would remain standing even if he took one more bold step. One that was probably more sink than swim, but if he didn’t at least try, he’d never know if he’d missed out on the love of his life.

Chapter 33 – Caspian

Caspian stared at the house through the open garage door but hadn’t stepped out of the car since he’d parked it five minutes back.

The date with Finneas, Fay’s brother, had gone well. Nothing explosive or life-altering, but they did have many topics in common, and the guy was a cutie with long black hair and a beautiful, tempting mouth. And while a bit taller than Caspian, their flirting suggested he was a bottom, and interested in what Caspian had to offer.

With Mom and Dad away for the weekend, Caspian could have invited him over for the night, but he didn’t want to put Gunner on the spot. He could have also gone to Finneas’ place, but when that came up, Caspian found himself stalling.

He did enjoy Finn’s company, and found him attractive, and maybe something more than sex could have come out of this if he gave the guy a chance. But the truth was that no matter how much he wanted to move on from the past, his heart still beat for only one man.

So he came back, giving up on sex with a pretty boy in order to teach Gunner how to play the piano, and watch a movie with him. Because they were best buddies, and he really cared.

Caspian rolled his forehead against the steering wheel and left the car at long last. He relaxed his shoulders and entered his parents’ home, hoping to at least change into something more comfortable before Gunner noticed his presence.

But the shuffling of a chair in the kitchen lit up by a couple of LEDs put an end to those hopes, and he faced Gunner, who watched him from the breakfast bar. The faint glow behind him cast a shadow on his face but also illuminated his broad shoulders and thick arms as he slid off the barstool, dressed in a simple outfit of blue jeans and a white T-shirt, which fit him just right.

“Hey,” Gunner said, arching his neck, as if he wanted to see something behind Caspian.

Caspian glanced over his shoulder, but they were alone. “How was your day?”

Gunner exhaled and crooked his hips, drawing Caspian’s attention to the way denim shifted on his crotch. “Oh, you know, the regular wedding drama. But… You know Fay right? She said you had a date tonight? How’d it go?” He lowered his gaze to the counter and swirled his finger over the marble.

Caspian stilled, but his heart thumped with unease, and he leaned against the wall, briefly avoiding Gunner’s gaze, because this uncomfortable atmosphere was his fault. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. It’s just… it’s weird, you know? And I didn’t know how it’d go so I figured there was no reason to say anything unless things got serious.”