Caspian hummed, and pulled off his top. “It just feels like déjà vu. Remember that first evening, when you convinced me we’d just wake up in our own bodies?”

Gunner didn’t look his way as he undressed, flinching when the mirror showed him the tattoo he’d put on Caspian’s body. Why was he such an impulsive shit? “I know, but we can only do trial and error.”

Caspian shrugged, taking off his pants and socks next. “We can’t tell my parents. They won’t believe a word of it. So… yeah.” He gave Gunner a tight smile and stretched, already naked.

Gunner hugged himself when his heart throbbed as if someone punched it. “I know I messed up for you today, but… can we be close one more time? In case we do swap back…”

Caspian shook his head and placed his hand on Gunner’s cheek, with the rough thumb swiping along his lips, as if he were trying to memorize their texture. “Stop it with the apologizing. Very few things can’t be undone,” he said and moved toward the showerhead attached high on the wall in the other corner of the wet room. Gunner didn’t know when he followed, as if the gentle hand was a leash.

How could Caspian be so calm? He’d be losing his beloved car, dealing with his parents’ anger, and an unwanted tattoo all because of Gunner’s thoughtless decisions, yet he was so understanding. As if Gunner deserved the second, third, and even fourth chance. It was so beyond Gunner’s experience he could’ve cried. Nobody had been this considerate before. He was so used to fighting that he’d sometimes lash out just in case, before the other person could land the first blow.

Caspian was different. Kind. Loving. Compassionate. And a demon in bed.

Gunner took one more step and hugged him tightly, because he didn’t know how to explain his emotions in words.

Caspian laughed. “I’m gonna miss this.”

Words got stuck in Gunner’s throat and tears stung his eyes, but then Caspian switched on the water, and the murmur of the shower replaced the uncomfortable silence. He would miss this too. How could anyone ever compare to this guy who’d so quickly become his everything?

The water falling into his eyes gave Gunner an excuse to close them as he ran his hands up Caspian’s chest, over the hard muscles and up the pecs.

“Stand back. We don’t want your chest getting wet,” Caspian decided and gently moved Gunner into the corner, away from the flowing water. But before Gunner could have answered, Caspian took two steps back and walked under the rain of droplets, which rolled down his muscular form in fat rivulets. He grabbed shower gel from a shelf right next to him and swiftly lathered up his chest, face, arms, as if he were in a hurry to get it done.

His body emanated strength, and while he used to resent the way it obscured the real him with bulging muscle and bold tattoos, Caspian had shown him that the strength it carried didn’t have to be brutish. That was something he ought to remember for the future when he was back in the cage of his own flesh and bones. He’d let it stifle the real him in the past, but if Caspian could be both steady and wicked, maybe so could he? Maybe he too could use his strength to protect rather than lash out at whatever life threw his way.

Maybe with the ties to his toxic friends cut, and with the new outlook living in Caspian’s shoes had given him, something could really change in his own? Maybe this short time would leave him with more than just the loveliest memories?

He stopped breathing when Caspian washed his cock and balls, and then rubbed his thighs in energetic swipes, but everything about those moves was utilitarian, and moments later, Caspian stepped out from under the water. The mirror had already fogged up, and moisture hung in the air, making it hot and dense. He picked up a bright orange shower gel with fruit and spices depicted on the package.

“Put both your hands on your nape.”

That got Gunner’s attention. He looked up into Caspian’s eyes and followed the order without thinking, because letting him take charge left Gunner’s shoulders light and his heart soaring. He trusted Caspian to make the right decisions when he was so prone to failing.

Caspian brushed back Gunner’s damp hair and poured a generous portion of the gel into his palm before rubbing it between his hands. His dark gaze pinned Gunner to the wall before trailing lower. “That design. Did you want to make sure I never forget you?” he asked before tickling Gunner’s exposed armpits.

Gunner laughed, but kept his hands in place, staring into the brown eyes watching him from the shadow of damp eyelashes. “You can get it covered with something else,” he whispered even though he wished for Caspian to keep his name forever etched into skin, like Caspian’s was into his heart.