He slapped his erection against the slick crack, which had them both squirming in pleasure. “You’re such a horny little thing. I should teach you a lesson and tie you to this table once I’m done, and then invite all the willing guys in this trailer park to have a go.”

Gunner’s breathing got so fast and hot it left steam on the table next to his lips. “No, I’ll please you right, keep me to yourself.”

Caspian grinned, pressing his cockhead against Gunner’s eager hole. “Is that right? You better, because I’ll be fucking until I got what I’m owed. So that tight little asshole of yours better milk me good.”

He thrust his cock in when Gunner felt ripe for the taking, and the boy’s muffled whimper went straight to Caspian’s balls. Now that he was in, hugged in the heat of the other body, he leaned forward over Gunner’s back, rested his forearm on the table, and grabbed that slender neck in his palm. He loved sensing Gunner’s every breath, his quickening pulse and bobbing Adam’s apple when they fucked.

“I will,” Gunner rasped. “I’ll be your pliant little sex toy. Use me.”

“I will use you. I will make your hole burn,” Caspian said, increasingly overcome by lust. It could no longer be stopped. He needed to fuck Gunner right. The fuck. Now.

He shifted back, grabbed Gunner’s hips and pushed, watching the tender flesh swallow his throbbing prick inch after inch as he forced it in. Gunner’s moans fuelled his fire, but the teasing squeezes of his ass told Caspian exactly what his boy wanted. The little sex pest even raised his bound hands to tickle Caspian’s stomach, so he squashed the smaller body under his and slammed home, making his lover squeal and tremble.

Passion burned through his body, leaving his insides scorched and his mouth dry, but he was close to the well and closed his mouth on Gunner’s shoulder, dragging his cock out, only to push back in. Gunner’s body was so tight around him it felt as if he was being sucked back in each time, so he shut his eyes, dug his fingers into flesh and jabbed his hips at Gunner’s ass. His balls vibrated when they slapped against buttocks covered by a peach-like fuzz, so he sped up, holding Gunner still for his pleasure as he rutted on top of him, ever faster and harder.

The muffled cries escaping Gunner’s lips were the lure making him go faster with each passing second. He was where he was supposed to be, and Gunner’s scent intoxicated him beyond the rush booze could offer. Every stifled moan was confirmation that he was the stud Gunner craved, and no one else would do.

“You’re mine, you little tramp. From now on, I’ll oversee how much you drink. I’ll tell you when to go to sleep, and when to suck my cock. Is that understood?” Caspian asked, grabbing Gunner’s throat just hard enough to briefly make him stiffen. But the moment of fear had the boy moaning a seconds later.

Caspian shut his eyes and moved faster, focusing on his own pleasure, because he’d take care of his lover’s once he was done. For now, he’d give him the experience of being treated like a cumbucket, and he’d leave him with enough spunk to make that point clear.

“Yes,” Gunner choked out. “I’ll be on your call.”

The channel of muscles hugged him so tightly, he wished he could fall asleep right after the fuck, with his dick still in Gunner. Under his fingers, his lover's flesh was sunshine hot, and the quick pulsing of blood in the neck reminded Caspian he not only had Gunner pinned down to the table and open for his spunk, but also held Gunner’s life in his hand.

“Good. That. We. Understand each other,” Caspian grunted, already chasing the pleasure promised by the throbbing in his balls. It didn’t matter that they were in a shabby trailer and had to keep quiet for the sake of all the neighbors, because as far as Caspian was concerned this might have been a palace, and the scent of Gunner’s sweat would still have been the one thing he cared about. His thighs trembled, and he rested even more of his weight on the boy as the pressure in his dick rose until he could no longer stop himself from jabbing into the tight hole at a frantic rate.

Cum shot out of Caspian in several spurts, coating the walls of Gunner’s sensitive ass, and he moaned against his lover’s warm flesh just picturing it in his mind. No guy ever had made him feel so wanted. So powerful. So validated.

And while he knew they’d have to find a way back to their own bodies, he secretly wished it wasn’t a possibility.

He slid his hand up Gunner’s throat, chin, and to the trembling lips that sucked on his fingers, as if they were a delicious lollipop. But there was also moisture on his cheek, too much of it to be explained with perspiration. Caspian stilled with his nose buried in the pale, cherry-scented hair, unsure whether he should point out the tears.