Something balked inside of Gunner, and he squeezed his fists, looking up at her. “I don’t even wanna be an accountant! I told you I wanna play the piano! I’m so done with all of this!”

She took a deep breath and pushed her fingers into her smooth locks. “Since when? You’ve been planning this for years. And if you changed your mind, there are better ways to tell us!” she said, hissing in an effort to keep her voice down without compromising on her anger.

One of the servers passed through the corridor, no doubt lured by the commotion, and Barb dragged Caspian farther from the kitchen, to the home office.

She continued when Gunner couldn’t find the right words to respond. “You can’t just bail on everything you’ve worked for on a whim! You’re an adult, Caspian, so act like one!”

“Oh yeah?” Gunner fired up. “I don’t fit into your plans? Then I’m just gonna fucking go!”

She stared at him. “G-go where?”

“I don’t know! I’ll figure it out!”

Barb pressed her lips together. “Sure. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.”

Barely able to breathe from the sense of doom sitting on his chest, Gunner stormed out of the office and dashed upstairs to gather some basics into a duffel bag and change out of the chocolate-stained suit.

But as he headed out with the few things he could carry, guilt and panic had already chewed their way deep into his flesh.

What had he done? What had he done?

Chapter 23 – Caspian

Caspian shuddered when the damp shower curtain stuck to his ass again. He’d gotten a new one, because there was no way he’d be dealing with the mold on the one originally hanging in the bathroom, but he still hated the cold sensation of it clinging to him. He barely fit into the stall with a showerhead that faced him instead of hanging above his head. He needed to twist his body in order to clean himself everywhere, and kneel for the droplets to fall on his head, but it was what it was, since he couldn’t sneak into his real home during the party.

He’d gotten motor oil all over himself by the time he finished repairing two of his neighbor’s cars and made some improvements to Gunner’s truck, so showering was a must. Especially since he’d planned an outing with Gunner, to treat him after the stressful day.

It wouldn’t be much, but he had more than enough time to pack a blanket and other necessities, and stop at the grocery store to get food. The menu he had in mind was simple, but everyone appreciated fresh sandwiches and salad, even on days when they’d had fancy canapés for lunch.

He walked out of the bathroom dressed in a towel and took in the main room. He hadn’t been able to stand the mess he’d woken up to on the first day of their swap, but while he was still battling roaches, he’d gotten rid of all the trash and bought a potted plant from Mad Madge to put on the counter, which made the place way more homely.

He usually left the curtains drawn over the windows, but it was bright enough outside for the sun to seep through the fabric and color everything within sight a pleasant warm hue. He hoped Gunner would appreciate all the changes and see them as the improvements they were instead of an intrusion into his home.

Caspian bit his lip, thinking of the way Gunner’s head had rolled to the back of his seat as Caspian drove him home. Gunner might have been a red-blooded guy with a short temper, but he was also a sweet creature who’d thrive in the right circumstances. He played the piano with a passion Caspian never had for the instrument, and had more intelligence than Caspian gave him credit for. He might be stubborn but was kind at heart, and taken out of the environment that gave him a reason to hide his true self, Gunner became a different person.

Someone Caspian really liked around, as unbelievable as that was.

He was whistling to himself as he caught Fluffer and attempted to apply eye drops the vet had prescribed him last week when a rapid knocking on his door scared the cat away.

“Who is it?” he yelled and approached the source of the sound in the towel-skirt. While he liked to think of himself as modest and understated, he couldn’t help but enjoy the fact that he now had a body he itched to show off.

“It’s me!” Gunner said, and the smooth sound of his voice lifted the corners of Caspian’s mouth, making him unlock the door with more vigor. He grinned when it flung open, revealing the compact form dressed in casual jeans, a T-shirt with a gray snake, and the same leather jacket he’d worn last night.