Caspian scowled and averted his gaze, folding his arms over his chest. “I did, but I’ve never been… you know, noticed. Never the kind of guy people wanted to pursue. Always the fucking ugly duckling,” he said and kicked a bottle cap resting by the tip of his shoe.

Gunner wanted to answer, but a huge white limo, of the unnaturally long variety, drove into the parking lot and stopped a stone’s throw away. Its doors opened, letting out a flood of people who’d already infused themselves with alcohol.

He swallowed when the two bachelors stepped outside in matching denim suits and denim cowboy hats to a rain of confetti thrown by their friends. The bouncer let them all through as Caspian and Gunner stood watching with tension sizzling in the air between them. The music inside became louder when the guests of honor arrived, and Gunner shoved his hands into his pockets.

He glanced into a side mirror of a nearby car. “But I’m not ugly,” he mumbled.

Caspian swallowed. “No. You’re so hot, and so cute. It’s just that… I never wanted to be cute.”

“Okay.” Gunner took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He could understand the sentiment in reverse, so he wouldn’t deny this to Caspian, but he was growing nervous.

What if Caspian’s experience was universal, and he wasn’t nearly as cute as he thought he was? How would he feel if Caspian got all the attention while he remained ignored? And what if that wasn’t the case? How would it even feel to be seen as available by a lot of people?

But while opposing fears gathered in his skull like a storm cloud, he didn’t want to be selfish. If it was Caspian’s dream to have this experience, Gunner wanted to do this for him. They’d have a drink, enjoy some music, and go home. What was the worst that could happen?

“Yeah?” Caspian asked softly as two women arrived in a Volkswagen Beetle and entered the bar holding hands. He licked his lips and reached out for Gunner. “I’d never pull someone as cute as you without those broad shoulders you gave me.”

Gunner snorted. “I’ve seen you’re good at bondage. And now you’ve got a knife too. Easy-peasy kidnap-easy.”

Caspian chuckled and leaned in, stealing a quick kiss before pulling Gunner toward the entrance. Their hearts pulsed in unison, faster than the loud, joyful music inside, but just as Caspian was about to step through the door, a massive guy blocked their way and eyed Caspian’s face in all-too-familiar judgment Gunner had almost forgotten in the past two weeks.

“Hey, friend. I don’t think it’s your kind of party tonight. We don’t want any problems,” the bouncer said with squared shoulders.

Caspian mimicked his movement. “It is my kind of party,” he said and squeezed Gunner’s hand.

Gunner’s instinct was to pull away, to deny everything, but while he remembered how important this was to Caspian, it also hurt him that this stranger made assumptions about his body, and by extension—him. The man assessed his size, his clothes, at his inked face, and decided Caspian—Gunner—didn’t belong.

“You think he doesn’t belong just ‘cause he’s big and tattooed?” Gunner choked out, squeezing Caspian’s hand. “My boyfriend’s not gay enough for you?”

Caspian looked down at him and swallowed before meeting the bouncer’s gaze again. “Dude, you don’t want to know just how gay I am.”

The bouncer’s lips twitched before spreading in a wide grin. He let out a roaring laugh and stepped aside. “Fair enough. Enjoy yourselves.”

Gunner’s heart rattled like a cup of dice, but for once those fell in his favor, and he winked at Caspian, drunk on the freedom the declaration had given him.

Chapter 21 - Caspian

Roach kept giving Caspian and Gunner the stink-eye throughout Zane’s concert, but the two of them left once the performance was over. The bar was relatively small, but so packed, all of the queer men and women from the area must have come for the party. With some straights mixed in, the crowd was huge and even included two glamorous drag queens.

Caspian felt as if they’d stepped into a venue in some big city. While the decor was basic and uninspired, the bright lights and fun music made up for the generic interior. And yes, he was being checked out. Often. But the face tattoo had to be scaring off most people who might have been interested otherwise, because no one was biting other than the odd fish who chose to see what he was about by making some small talk. He vaguely recognized a few of the guests, and those who knew Gunner from somewhere acknowledged him with brief nods but didn’t seem keen on making conversation.

Then again… it wasn’t as though he was searching for someone to flirt the pants off, because how was he to focus his attention on any of the other people when Gunner was there.