Rage burned Caspian’s insides, because it was still his body, and he’d be the one to bear all the bruises once his mind returned where it belonged. But while witnessing the attack made him stiffen with discomfort, it was obvious the bullies were just toying with their prey and had no intention of really hurting him.

He could break it up. He could step outside, claim Gunner as his boxing student, like he had at the gym, and put an end to the pathetic spectacle, but an ugly part of him wanted to see Gunner get a taste of his own medicine. And to suffer for saying all the mean things he’d had after Noah walked in on them in the shower. If he was so eager to avoid any association with Caspian, why was he expecting help?

A third shadow emerged, and Caspian recognized Todd’s brother, Ralph. Hyenas always travelled in packs.

“I’ll go take his car for a spin in the meanwhile. You won’t mind, lil’ Flea, will you?” Ralph didn’t touch Gunner, but watched on as Todd stepped on the boy’s back in order to pin him in place.

The lesson Caspian hoped Gunner would learn definitely did not include his one-of-a-kind Southfield getting scratched by this maniac!

He rolled off the sofa and burst outside, jumping down the steps to avoid Fluffer, who gave a little hiss when he opened the door.

“What the hell is this racket?”

“Just having some fun with our little friend over here,” Todd said, his green eyes shining with glee, as if life didn’t offer him worthier amusements. “Said he wanted to buy your cat or some shit.”

What an asshole.

Gunner remained on the ground, defeated by a pack of wolves he’d never had a chance against. Guilt seeped to the back of Caspian’s throat when the boy scrambled to his knees, visibly shaking. Some of the neighbors stepped out of their trailers or opened windows, and watched the situation unfold, as if Gunner’s real-life misery was better entertainment than trash TV.

“Don’t touch him again. He’s my new student.”

Bud laughed. “Student? Of what?”

When Gunner tried to use the opportunity to rise to his feet, Todd shoved him right back to the ground. “Where do you think you’re going? We’re not done.”

Hot rage burst into Caspian’s skull, and he smashed his fist against Todd’s head, sending him crashing into the wall of the nearest trailer.

Nothing had ever felt this good. Well, at least since coming inside Gunner’s tight little ass.

“Am I not speaking clearly? Fuck off and don’t touch him again.”

Todd stared at him as he slid to his ass, holding his head. “What the fuck, man?” he choked out.

Even Bud stepped away from Gunner, letting the boy scramble to his feet. He might have tripped several times, but this was Gunner, so he glared at Caspian with glossy eyes as soon as he felt safe enough to do so.

“So you only come out when they threaten the car? Fuck you!” he yelled and spat Caspian’s way, even though he was too far away for the glob to reach him.

It wasn’t untrue, and while just moments before it had felt right to let Gunner suffer for the way he’d acted, the straight-up question stabbed Caspian with guilt. He should act like the real Gunner would have and break the little fucker’s nose, but even in this body, Caspian couldn’t let himself become the kind of piece of shit Gunner had been to him in school. But it wasn’t as though he could explain himself in front of all the onlookers. Even Mad Madge was enjoying the show, sipping off-brand root beer in front of her home. They needed to get away.

“Wait for me in the car,” Caspian said, meeting Gunner’s eyes.

Gunner opened his loud, vulgar mouth, about to spew more venom, but then hesitated, and finally closed it. He turned around and limped away, holding onto his stomach and for once doing as he was told. He was like a wounded puppy, eager to go lick his wounds yet in too much pain to run.

Gunner deserved a lesson, but maybe not one this violent. What if he had cracked ribs, or something?

Caspian had to take a deep breath before he faced the three bullies who’d ganged up on a guy who couldn’t have taken on even one of them. “I said don’t touch him. How hard is that to understand, Todd?” Caspian asked with pent-up rage coursing through his veins. He wished he could’ve twisted off this bastard’s balls for everyone to see, just to make him feel a fraction of the fear and anguish Caspian himself had been through because of people like him. The adrenaline of being stronger than Todd still buzzed in his veins as he zeroed in on the guy.

“Since when do you care about people like him? He must be paying a lot for those boxing lessons.” Todd scowled, but didn’t try to fight Caspian.