But he couldn’t bring himself to just grab her, even as she went red and pouted at him like an overgrown child. This wasn’t who he was.

“I said pack your bags. Now.”

“Or what? Like it can’t wait till morning?” She shook her head with a smirk.

Gunner must have let her walk all over him. But he wasn’t Gunner and wouldn’t be convinced by the incentive of sex, which was surely what she intended to hold over his head next.

“If you don’t go now, I will make you leave.”

She rolled her eyes. Actually rolled her eyes at him. “Oh, come on, Gun. You can posture to your friends, but I know you’re a marshmallow, so cut this shit out and we’ll talk in the morning.” She turned around and walked off toward the bedroom at the end of the trailer as if she hadn’t just trashed the TV.

Caspian’s hesitation only lasted a moment. He didn’t want to manhandle her, but there was no other way, so he caught up, grabbed her by the waist and lifted her as if she were a large teddy bear and weighed close to nothing.

“That’s a goodbye.”

“Let go of me!” She screeched and pounded on his arms with her fists, but while it hurt, it couldn’t make him let go, nor deal any real damage. “Or I’ll tell everyone you liked a finger up your butt when I blew you!”

“Nobody’s gonna believe I’d want you to do it with those sharp nails,” Caspian snapped back, but his mind instantly went to territories it didn’t belong. He opened the door and put her outside, by the steps. “If you won’t pack your stuff, I’ll just have to do it for you,” he said and shut the door in her face, heading straight for the bedroom.

Enough was enough, and Gunner would thank him once they were back in their respective bodies. Sandy hollered outside, likely cursing him with all the black magic she knew from TV shows, but he grabbed a trash bag, and stuffed it with all the clothes and trinkets that looked like hers. On the way to the door, he also visited the bathroom, swept all her toiletries in too, and then grabbed her handbag from the kitchen counter.

Two of her friends had joined the sad scene outside by the time Caspian opened the door and threw two bags of her shit to the ground, drunk on his victory. “And take the damn cat too,” he said, glaring over his shoulder to find the flat-faced furball on the table.

All three women stared at him, but Sandy was the first to speak. “I’m not taking the ugly stinker! You wanted him, so keep him and wipe his leaky nose!”

Oh. Ooh. So the cat was… Gunner’s?

He flinched as something touched his calf, but when he looked down, the pet’s big eyes met his before it gingerly leapt down the steps and laid on the one in the middle.

“Just… get lost. Don’t wanna see you here again, lazy ass,” he muttered, glaring at Sandy and her crew.

“Well, same here, asshole! You don’t know how to treat a lady right!” She grabbed one of the bags, leaving the other to one of her friends.

“Don’t worry about him, Sands, you can stay at my place,” said a woman who could have been Sandy’s twin before glaring at Caspian as if he were in the wrong.

A short examination of the door told him there was a cat flap at the bottom, so he petted Fluffer and left him outside, breathing a sigh of relief as the sense of justice settled in his chest.

But he was still left with a mess.

Caspian approached the broken TV set with a soft sigh. “Well, I didn’t need you anyway, but Gunner’s gonna be livid.”

Fatigue got to him when he parked his ass on the sofa. But there was nothing strange about being tired after swapping bodies, fighting, topping for the first time, and eating for three people. All that since morning.

With a sigh of mindless exhaustion, he switched off the light and curled up on the seat, his eyelids heavy as if they had weights attached.

It seemed he’d only shut his eyes for a moment when someone called out Gunner’s name in a shrill voice. Caspian didn’t react at first, but when more voices joined in, and the distressed tone of the first person got through to him, he rose to his knees and pulled on the curtain, peeking outside in time to see Gunner close his teeth on Bud’s bare calf while a dog barked as if it were about to cough out its lungs.

He was about to do a slow clap, but then Todd took a step closer and kicked Gunner in the ribs so hard the small body rolled over like something that shouldn’t be that weightless.