“Me?” Gunner could only hope this wasn’t some elaborate dream he’d wake up from any moment now. He knew Caspian meant the body he’d got to fuck three times already, but the acknowledgement still felt good. Gunner had dreams of being wanted this way, of a man stronger than him putting him in his place and breeding him over and over while he mewled in helpless pleasure.

His stomach fluttered, and he could sense the heat rushing to his face, so he turned on the water with a quick flick of his hand.

They’d been naked before, but this wasn’t a private space. Someone could come in at any moment, but instead of frightening him, it gave Gunner a thrill to stand so close to Caspian. Whoever might enter would immediately notice how small and cute he was compared to the massive guy under the other showerhead.

A smile pulled on Caspian’s lips, and while he too switched on the flow, he remained close to Gunner. The warm water splashed his bare chest and drizzled lower, to the cock that had been inside Gunner so recently.

“Yeah. You, you nasty little sexpot.”

Gunner turned around under the water and pulled his butt cheeks apart, looking over his shoulder to catch Caspian’s expression. “I’m the nasty one? Look how filthy you made me.”

The predatory stare that stabbed into his flesh when Caspian faced him was worth the risk of acting so lewdly in a gym bathroom. He wanted to be the center of Caspian’s wet dreams and with each hour, he was finding his feet as the manic pixie twink.

“You better watch out, or I might just bend you over my knees and spank you.”

Gunner got himself some mint-scented soap from the dispenser on the wall and started lathering up. This was all fun and games, but it was late, and he had cum to wash off.

“What if I like it?” he teased and splashed some water on Caspian, who delivered a fast hit to Gunner’s ass with the back of his hand.

“Then I’ll have to come up with a different way to punish you.”

While his old body was a handsome cage with a face marked by mistakes of his past, in the new one, Gunner felt free for the first time in years. As if he could do anything. Reinvent himself and explore his identity without boundaries.

“I am a free-spirited twink, and I will not be constrained,” he said with feigned seriousness and lifted his chin.

Caspian grabbed Gunner under the armpits and lifted him up. Their bodies collided under the steady stream of the shower, and by the time Gunner crossed his ankles on Caspian’s ass, he was sandwiched between the strong chest and the cold, cold wall anyway.

“How am I supposed to let you sleep in my old bed without me?” Caspian rasped and licked the side of Gunner’s face, making him shiver with the heat of his tongue.

Gunner chuckled feeling shy, even though he literally had Caspian’s cum inside him.

He wanted to come up with some witty, erotic remark, but then a door opened, letting in a whiff of cool air, and he pushed at Caspian’s torso with so much force he ended up slipping out of his partner’s grasp and falling to his poor aching ass under a stream of water.

Noah stood in the doorway with his mouth open, but he ignored Gunner and instead focused all his attention on Caspian. Of course.


“Err… Gunner?” Noah choked out.

Chapter 13 - Gunner

Caspian stood still at first, but then offered Gunner his hand and faced Noah, unaware of who that was. “We’re busy.”

Noah spread his arms, and his dark brows lowered. “What?” His attention finally drifted to Gunner. “And what the hell are you doing with my brother?”

Gunner got to his feet and rushed out from under the water. “It was just a prank—dare—thing…”

“Brother?” Caspian uttered, staring at Noah as if he’d never seen anything freakier in his entire life.

Noah swallowed and rested his hands on his hips, his face going slack. “Are you okay?”

“He’s fine. Perfectly normal,” Gunner said, searching for a way out of this madness.

The showers, which only moments before had been the stage for Gunner’s self-discovery, now felt oppressive, and he grabbed the towel off the hanger to wrap it around his hips. He knew he needed to come up to an answer that made sense, but all coherent thoughts had evaporated from his brain, leaving him drowning without anything to keep him on the surface.

Noah spoke again before Gunner could have come up with an idea for damage control. “Gunner. Do you want to tell me something? Or is this a bad time, or—”

Gunner rubbed his face in frustration that seemed to have no end. But if he was to tell someone about what was going on, it would be his little brother. “I will talk to him,” he said to Caspian. “Go on, tell him it’s fine.”