It was his turn to be afraid, and Caspian pulled him up by the arm. “Yes, I am gay, and I’ll enjoy being your gay alter ego,” he purred, staring straight into the wide-open eyes.

It was funny how different his face looked now that he didn’t see it in the mirror but through another pair of eyes. The delicate lines of his jaw were youthful rather than emasculated, and his lips—so plump he kind of wanted to check whether they’d feel different against Gunner’s rough fingers. And he could check, because Gunner wouldn’t be able to stop him.

“N-no! Don’t you dare be gay in my body!” Gunner yelled in the sweet voice that made Caspian increasingly amused. Gunner writhed against him, but even when he punched Caspian’s forearm again and again, the force behind it was laughably small and couldn’t stop the assault.

For once. For the first time in his life Caspian held all the cards. He shook Gunner for good measure.

“Remember that time you slammed me against the door, and I got a concussion, huh? You grew up so strong, and tall, even though you’ve done nothing to deserve it, and you used it against all those who were weaker than you. You still do,” Caspian growled, and when Gunner tried to hit him again, kicking around with both legs, he pushed him down and squeezed his pale, delicate throat.

Blue eyes opened wide, staring straight at him, and as the naked form under him arched, seeking a way out of the trap of strong arms, a jolt of heat passed through Caspian and left his balls throbbing. He’d hated his old body when he’d lived in it, because it held him back, but it was now impossible to ignore the rosy nipples perking up toward him like raspberries that would release sweet juice if he bit in.

So it was fucked up, but no one needed to know.

It wasn’t his fault that his new body was guided by hunger and too much testosterone.

“You’ve got no idea about me!” Gunner whined and in a bid to free himself, pressed his palm against Caspian’s chin.

Caspian roared with laughter and grabbed the slim wrist before pinning it down and leaning over Gunner, whose lips trembled as he looked up, squirming. “Pretty interesting experience to walk a few miles in my shoes, isn’t it, Russo?”

His grin might have split his face in half when the big blue eyes glossed over with tears. He refused to see the body under him as his own, and the more he adjusted to the new one, the more he rejected the one he’d been born with, as if it were a transplant from the wrong donor.

His dick might have twitched when a tear slid down the flushed cheek, but… oh well, if that scared Gunner—all the better.

“You’re a sick fuck! How did you do this?” Gunner choked out when Caspian loosened his hold on his throat to allow it. Because he was in charge. He decided who talked and who didn’t. Who walked and who got their legs broken.

In this new reality, he had all the assets.

“Me? I didn’t do a damn thing. It’s you who attacked me for no reason. Maybe there’s a God after all, and he’s fed up with your shit, Russo!” he uttered, increasingly breathless as Gunner’s knee trailed up his inner thigh.

He was so tiny. Compact and defenseless.

Caspian could do anything to him, and Russo would have no way of stopping him.

The teary eyes looked up at him as though they were about to pop out of Gunner’s new head. “You’re… hard,” he whispered, as if afraid to complain more loudly. “Get off me.” Gunner must have realized that his position in the food chain had changed, because he was pleading, not demanding. He might be a rabid animal, but he learned fast.

“You’re one to talk,” Caspian purred, noticing the stiff prick resting against Gunner’s flat stomach. Funny. It wasn’t that small or pathetic when not attached to him.

The blue gaze was off him in an instant, and Gunner covered his crotch with his free hand. “It’s your fault! It’s your gay body!”

Caspian laughed and, at last, let go of Gunner, but he didn’t deny himself another glance at all that smooth skin. He’d always been attracted to small guys with cute faces. He just didn’t want to be one himself, and now, in some fucked-up fashion, the world had responded to his wishes.

There was no guarantee he’d stay this way, so he wasn’t about to waste this opportunity. “Enjoy the soft bed and pancakes. Don’t eat anything with nuts. Don’t kill my parents, your EpiPen is in the top drawer in the closet,” he said, rising to his feet.

Gunner instantly grabbed the blanket and covered himself, as if that could offer any protection if Caspian chose to hurt him. “You can’t be serious. We need to do something about this.”