Roach bit his lip at the image of Zane’s hairy legs peeking from under the short skirt. “Could suit you.”

“Yeah, you into that? Should I wear a thong underneath?” Zane teased, rolling his head until his nose pressed Roach’s, and his eyes, a wonderful dark gray, pierced Roach with their inquisitive gaze. Was that still teasing or did Zane really want to know what Roach thought?

“You’d do that for me? Or are you into that?”

Zane smirked, playful like a faun. “Depends. Will that get me my winter jacket?”

Roach stroked his back under the blanket. “Will you apply for the waiter job?”

Zane hummed. “I’ll think about it. Now will you give me some of my cash? Seriously, I’m freezing my balls off.”

Roach hid his face in Zane’s hair. “Babe. Payday’s Saturday. My hands are tied.”

Zane’s thick brows lowered over his small eyes as if he was about to unleash thunder. “Hey, I earn money too, and I want to use it now.”

The money Zane earned playing at the bar was a drop in the ocean, but he handed it over to Roach for ‘rent and other expenses’ so proudly Roach didn’t have the heart to tell him it didn’t even cover half of what he ought to be paying.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have burned my dad’s shit like two idiots, then you’d have a jacket.”

Zane pulled away as if Roach were on fire. “I’d rather fucking freeze than wear his stinking rags!”

Roach pulled at his beard. “How about mine? Can you wear mine until Saturday? You’ll be okay if you have the hoodie underneath.”

Zane frowned, biting his lips as he stared back at him in silence. Roach did not want to know what was going on under all that hair. “What did you do with my money?”

“I just… you know, money gets spent.”

“You bought booze, didn’t you?”

Roach groaned, unwilling to start pointing out in numbers how much food, rent, and gas cost, because that would only get Zane more agitated. “Yeah. Sorry. Do you want the jacket or not?” He was already unzipping it in hope that Zane would take it and leave the aggravating topic. Zane shouldn’t be cold just because Roach had a shit job, a shit life, and couldn’t afford something so essential. He wouldn’t be able to stand it if Zane found out how bad their finances were and would much rather be seen as a dick than broke loser.

Zane rolled his eyes. “Jesus, I take my eyes off you for a second!” he said but dumped the blanket on Roach and put on the jacket, zipping it all the way up.

He looked cute in it, especially with the hoodie being a bit too large on him and covering his hands.

Roach smirked. “Should I get you patches for it? ‘Roach’s Property’?” He’d accepted his Rabid Hyenas MC patches as a rite of passage, something that would ensure his status and protect him. These, he’d actually want to see. But Zane froze him with the sharpness of his gaze.

“Fuck you, Roach! I don’t want to have anything to do with that stupid club of yours or its toxic culture.”

Roach raised his hand in defeat, hugging the blanket in the other arm. “Jesus, fine! It was just a joke.” I know you don’t want to be mine.

“Not a good one,” Zane said, but despite the twist he still had to his lips, he took the blanket and placed it on Roach’s shoulders like a cape. “Don’t talk about those people,” he added after a while and hugged himself as if he were still cold despite the many layers that made him look thick around the torso. He was like the Michelin Man’s leaner, prettier, more ridiculous cousin.

Roach swallowed, touched by Zane’s gesture. “Okay, so… I’ve got an errand to run. Will you wait for me at the diner so we can eat together?”

“What kind of errand?” Zane asked, and the way he narrowed his eyes told Roach that he was smelling nonexistent fishy business.

“Zane. Chill. I’ve just gotta take some groceries to Gale. He’s… business hasn’t been great for him lately.”

Zane shook his head. “Wait, wait. You’re buying him food but we don’t have cash for my winter jacket? How long has this been going on?” he asked, and when he turned his face to the side, the lamplight no longer showed its features.

"I don't know. A week or two. It's just basic stuff, not luxuries." Roach was starting to feel the chill of the air, so he started walking toward their room. There was no point wasting time.

“And you hadn’t bothered to tell me you’re visiting him in his room? Alone?” Zane demanded like a Victorian father.

Roach only walked faster. “‘Cause I knew you’d get like this!”

“Because I know how those situations end! That guy keeps making eyes at you as if you’re hurting him by not putting your dick up his ass!”