Phil put his paws on Roach’s shoulders and nuzzled his face with the rubber nose of the mask. Zane didn’t miss how his massive erection waved around in the air as the guy all but humped Roach.

“Okay, okay, that’s enough boy…” Roach said, and Zane’s jaw dropped. Was he actually going along with this? He couldn’t be that drunk.

Phil whimpered and backed off on all fours, but then turned around and showed his plugged ass to Roach, lowering his face to the floor.

“Look how horny he is for you,” Michael muttered with a rasp to his voice. “He’ll take both your cocks. Who wants to go first?”

When did that happen?

Cold tentacles of discomfort pushed under Zane’s skin and rooted themselves into his flesh, taking over more territory with each heartbeat. He hadn’t come here to bang a guy who welcomed him with his face covered and mouth gagged. How would he even know whether Phil was willing? How was he to be sure he wasn’t being forced into this by blackmail or violence?

“I mean… you’re already on the floor, Roach,” Zane said, but secretly hoped Roach would back out.

Roach stared back at Zane, flushed, his eyes hazy. Michael threw him a condom, which made the situation a bit more legit, but only by half a… whatever you measured consent in.

Roach licked his lips and got to his knees. “Yeah… so… do I—?”

Michael nodded and walked from behind the sofa, showing off the hard-on in his tight pants. “Just pull the plug out. He’s an obedient boy, all lubed up for our guests, aren’t you, Rex?”

Phil woofed and wiggled his ass. Zane didn’t know if he should laugh or cry, but when Roach stopped meeting his gaze and focused on another guy’s ass, green spikes pushed their way under Zane’s skin and poisoned him with acidic heat.

Was he supposed to admit that he was jealous? That he didn’t want Roach sticking his dick into someone else for reasons other than STDs?

The anger only became more intense when Roach pulled the plug out of Phil’s ass with a quiet pop, and lowered his pants.

“Just gimme a sec,” he mumbled, because when he grabbed his dick, it was soft. Like that one guy long ago who didn’t want to stick his cock into Zane but felt that he should.

Zane’s chest felt heavy, and he squeezed the upholstery as if it were flesh. He itched to get up and push his head over the surface of this dense atmosphere, so he could breathe.

“Looks like you need a hand with that,” Michael said with an excited rasp, and for half a second, Zane thought he was being urged to fluff Roach, but Michael moved fast, approaching his puppy and his fucker-to-be. “You’re so thick. My pup’s gonna love that tool in him. Rex, spread those legs wider or I’m gonna tase you.”

Zane bit his lip while his heart pumped faster, but when Roach looked up helplessly, his skin a bright red even though his cock showed no interest in Phil or Michael, Zane got to his feet, stable again.

“We’re out.”

Michael’s hand still hovered over Roach’s dick when he stared up at Zane, and even Phil—the submissive puppy—made a gagged, infuriatingly dog-sounding ‘huh?’.

“We are?” Roach asked. “Didn’t you want this? Orgies, and stuff….”

Zane pushed his hair back and gestured at Phil, hoping Roach would shut the fuck up and pull up his pants. “No offense, but I’m not really into this.”

Michael’s pale skin darkened with a pink flush. “What the fuck? Roach!” he said, transferring his gaze to him, as if Roach were Zane’s keeper and could make him stay whether he wanted to or not.

But Roach was already pulling up his pants like a good boy. “No! What the fuck, Michael?” he growled, reassured by Zane clocking out. “You never said you’d have a man in a dog suit fetching balls for me, and this cop thing? Gives me the creeps! You know I did time. Put a trigger warning on that shit or something!” He jumped to his feet as soon as he zipped up.

If it weren’t for their history, Zane might have fallen in love with Roach in that very moment. A tiny bit but still.

“My thoughts exactly. I’m sure you guys are great, but we’re on the vanilla side of things. Sorry, Phil,” he said, but the dog man glared at him from behind the mask and growled. “Wow. That’s just… Roachie, let’s go!”

Michael stroked Phil’s back. “That’s okay, relax, let the mean people go,” he cooed to his pup.

Roach didn’t bother buttoning his shirt, too desperate to throw the jacket on and leave.

“And don’t ever come to my shooting range!” Michael yelled as Zane made his way to the door, Roach’s sweaty hand firmly in his.

Electricity ran up and down his back in anticipation of violence, but once they’d run into the cool air, Zane’s shoulders relaxed, and he slid his arm around Roach, pulling him closer. “Why didn’t you say you didn’t wanna do it?”