Roach’s flesh felt so hot and firm to the touch Zane couldn’t stop himself and rubbed him up and down as they kissed, arching against one another while heat cooked their blood and made the flavor of Roach’s mouth smooth like quality whisky.

The whimper didn’t sound like Roach, but it soon became constant, and was followed up with a tapping against Zane’s foot.

Only that Roach’s arms were around Zane’s neck.

He pulled away with a frown and instantly recognized that the whimpers hadn’t come from Roach, but the… creature on the floor.

Dressed head to toe in leather, but with his stiff cock out, the guy wore a full face mask reminiscent of a dog muzzle, ears included, which left the eyes uncovered. The ‘pet’ cocked his head and patted Zane’s foot with his ‘paw’ again, as if he were asking for a treat. His hands were in gloves reminiscent of ones used for boxing, only those had fake claws attached.

Roach finally realized they weren’t alone, and when he glanced over his shoulder, he yelped, backing off Zane’s knees so fast he tumbled to the floor. “The fuck?”

“Meet Phil,” Michael said, entering the living room in a police uniform designed to accentuate his masculine form. He looked good in it, but that didn’t change the fact that he hadn’t bothered to tell them he and his partner were into kinky roleplay shit.

That was not what Zane had signed up for. It was supposed to be an opportunity for a good, clean fuck to get his mind off Roach. Was that so much to ask? And now he didn’t know what was expected of him. Was he supposed to tell Phil to sit or talk to him like a normal person?

“Uh. Hi, Phil,” he said, glancing at Roach in hopes the baby gay in him would be too freaked out for this to continue and offer an excuse for them to leave.

But Roach stared up at him, looking for guidance. Zane couldn’t allow himself to chicken out first, even if he’d have preferred to lay on top of a naked Roach in the privacy of their bedroom and rock his cock between his juicy buttocks.

“Does he like… not have a dog name?” Roach uttered when Michael petted Phil’s head and the ‘dog’ swung his hips, which in turn made his uncovered erection wiggle.

“He does. It’s Rex, but I didn’t want to make it weird,” Michael said and whistled, prompting Phil to let out a muffled bark.

Too late. The leather suit covered Phil’s entire body, which he, admittedly, kept in decent shape, but as Phil moved to his master’s feet, Zane noted that his costume was unzipped at the rear, revealing hairy skin, and a short, stubby tail made of rubber attached to a butt plug.

Zane knew people did this kind of stuff, of course, but he hadn’t been in a position where the expectation was that he’d play with the puppy.

“He’s obedient,” he commented, for lack of a better thing to say.

This evening was going the crazy train route real fast. Then again, what did Zane expect? They’d already unmasked a medium, stolen taxidermy, and snorted coke off a toilet lid at a gay bar. This almost seemed like a logical progression.

“Does he, like… fetch?” Roach stayed on the floor and sat more comfortably. Only the frown twisting his forehead confirmed that this wasn’t his usual scene either. Could someone so inexperienced even have a scene? Was it possible he’d get conditioned to like this?

Michael nodded. “His muzzle doesn’t allow it, but he’ll push the ball back to you. Wanna try?” he asked, passing a ball to Roach as he leaned against the back of the sofa behind Zane.

That peppery odor again. How could anyone think cologne that overwhelming would be attractive in the first place? But Zane bore with it, too curious to see Roach interact with Phil to concern himself with anything else. But the cocaine had made him hypersensitive, so the heat of Michael’s body right behind him was impossible to ignore.

Roach glanced back at Zane, but then rolled the ball over the floor to Phil’s happy woof. The puppy ran after it, presenting his ass and the tail-plug. He then rolled the ball with his mask and paws toward his master’s feet.

Zane’s eyes went wide when Michael smacked the side of Phil’s head, making his puppy whimper.

“Who threw you the ball, huh?” Michael pulled out his police baton and hit Phil’s ass with it. “Such a stupid dog! Take it to him, mutt!” He pointed at Roach.

Zane liked his dirty talk like any other guy, but he wasn’t sure if what he’d just witnessed was cringey or hot. Definitely weird.

But also hot in a strange way that made his balls grow heavy when Phil mewled and brought the ball back to Roach. At least Roach was making an unquestionable effort to keep the temperature up by having his pecs on show. Zane would’ve gladly bitten into one of those instead of bearing with Michael stroking his head as if he were a dog too.