“I don’t…fuck him all the time,” Roach mumbled. “Didn’t you hate my guts?” He pointed to the cut on his belly, increasingly excited that he might get a piece of Zane. Waves of arousal washed over him and, helpless against them, he took a step closer.

Zane exhaled, his lips pursing when his gaze licked Roach all over, giving him shivers. “Yeah. And I’ll still kill you. But we’re stuck for now, and you’re horny. Drop that towel. Haven’t seen much of you last time.”

Roach’s brain sizzled in its own juices. He wouldn’t say no. Zane could spit in his face, and he still wouldn’t say no to this. “Can you feel it? How horny I am?” he rasped and stood naked in front of Zane, ready for any harsh words that might fly his way as long as they came with touch.

His dick wasn’t amazingly long, even if quite thick, thicker than Zane’s, if he remembered correctly, but Gale never complained. And it felt good to the touch when Roach fantasized about Zane coming back to finish him off on lonely nights.

Now that he was here in the flesh, he could have said whatever, but the cruel lips stayed silent as Zane watched him, his face getting darker by the second.

“Pump it. I want to see it fully hard.”

Roach didn’t even care if this was a setup for torturing him. With his eyes on Zane, he let go of all the inhibitions that had held him back for years and started stroking his thick meat with fire making its way through his bloodstream. This long-haired god wasn’t repulsed by him, no matter how he hated their mutual attraction.

Roach could feel it. Or was it him projecting onto Zane? He could no longer tell, but as he imagined Zane’s merman hair swiping his back over and over, and spat on his hand to provide some moisture, reality mixed with fantasy, and his asshole felt ticklish.

“Is that your preference? My doppelgangers?” Zane asked, opening his belt in languid movements that were nothing like the increasingly frantic jerks of Roach’s hand.

He still remembered how Zane’s engorged cock had felt on his tongue. How greedy he’d been to drink all of Zane’s cum. He let his gaze travel to Zane’s veiny forearms, and back to the hands.

“I… I like long hair,” he mumbled, annoyed at how hard it was to open up after years of repressing these feelings, but if he didn’t say this now, to Zane, when would he?

His skin was overrun by ants when Zane took a step closer, hand cupping his junk through denim, lips plump and so dark from arousal Roach reimagined them as ripe cherries that might spill some juice if Zane’s chipped tooth dug into their flesh any harder.

“Turn around.”

Roach’s breath hitched, but he took one more look at Zane and followed the order. He hoped Zane liked what he saw even if he hated him. That would be fine. Some days, Roach hated himself too, and he still jerked off. In a moment of courage and adrenaline pumping in his veins, he flexed his ass.

He both wanted to be fucked and he didn’t. He’d long distanced himself from the abuse he’d taken as a kid. That hadn’t been about his needs. He hated how even considering the prospect of bottoming triggered nauseating memories, but he wasn’t that boy anymore. He was a grown man who had to face the fact that he was gay and that he wanted things that used to be about force and power, not pleasure.

This was about taking control of his life, even if right now he felt anything but in charge.

“Life’s not fair,” Zane mused, and the sound of a zipper going down almost felt like a hand stroking Roach’s crack. “Scumbags always look so hot.”

Roach should’ve been offended, but his breath only sped up at the backhanded compliment. He stood straighter, tensing his back for show. “I feel good to the touch too.”

Zane hummed, and the rustle of fabric was such a temptation to look back, to see Zane undressing that he’d almost done it. Roach might’ve been a willing participant, but Zane was the one holding the reins.

“Bend over and touch the mattress.”

He thrashed between bravado and admitting that he wasn’t exactly experienced in bottoming. The hairs on his body bristled as he put his hands on the mattress, but nothing came out of his mouth. He was terrified, but had also never wanted anything as much. He wanted Zane’s long fingers on his hips, Zane’s hair swiping his back, and that cock pushing into him.

He thought he did.

He was pretty sure he did.

He did.

His cock certainly did want it all.

Zane exhaled. There was appreciation in that sound. And then, footsteps, the sense of palpable heat right behind him.

Roach couldn’t contain a yelp when warm palms cupped his buttocks, squeezing as if Zane were getting acquainted with their shape. He moved the flesh up, then down, then parted the two sides of Roach’s ass, and cool air swirled over the hole.