Zane broke the kiss, hands once more squeezing Roach’s ass in a way that promised something more than this quick romp, but when Roach tried to lean in again, the kissable lips went out of reach.

“Damn. I forgot I’m actually supposed to meet someone.”

Roach licked his lips, unsure if he understood this right. In his little bubble, nothing outside this room existed. “Uh… so, you’ll come back later? To stay the night?” He pointed to the bed.

Zane watched him from beyond long, sensuous lashes but didn’t nod. “We shall see.”

A cold hand grabbed Roach’s stomach and squeezed as he watched Zane pick up his guitar. He wasn’t coming back. Roach couldn’t let this happen. He had to stop this.

“Is it this place? I could check us into a motel.” He absolutely shouldn’t do anything like it, but his mind was doing frantic flip flops like a fish pulled out of water and disbelieving that this was its end.

Zane frowned, his beauty cruel rather than inviting now. As if his sole purpose in drawing Roach in had been this moment of heartbreak. He pulled his T-shirt back on in a hurry. “Why are you getting so worked up over this? Didn’t you have fun?”

No matter how hard he tried to force them, the protective walls Roach had built around himself weren’t coming up when he needed them most. If he pretended he didn’t care, he’d lose Zane forever the moment he walked outside that door. “I just… I think we could have something more here. Don’t you feel that?” He shriveled hearing himself say that, but this wasn’t the time for cowardice.

Zane’s lips stayed open, as if he wasn’t sure what he’d just heard. “Like what?”

Roach didn’t know. A relationship? It would have been a ridiculous thing to say that. An… arrangement? That didn’t sound good either.

But the worst thing was that Zane’s questions, the way he looked at Roach were a dead giveaway that Zane had gotten a bit of pleasure and now wanted nothing more to do with him.

“I mean… Can I have your number?”

Zane exhaled. “Yeah, sure, give me your phone,” he said, but as he stumbled over the uneven floor, something dropped from beneath his T-shirt. Heat shot into Roach’s face when he recognized his wallet. Zane moved his foot as if he’d wanted to step on it, but he must have recognized it was too late. “Look, I better go.”

Roach patted his back pocket in disbelief but there was no denying that the wallet was his. He pulled on Zane’s wrist when the guy made an attempt for the door. “The fuck?”

Zane let himself be pulled, and his body, still warm and smelling of arousal, clashed with Roach’s. “Force of habit. But you get to keep it, yeah? Let me go, and I’ll be out of your hair.”

Roach got angrier with every passing heartbeat. How could he have been so dumb? Of course this guy didn’t actually want him. Zane saw a chump drooling all over him and used the opportunity to pick some cash.

“I get to keep it ‘cause it’s fucking mine!” He tightened his grip on Zane’s arm. “I offer you a place to stay, my best bourbon, and a great fucking blowjob, and you try to rob me?”

Zane flinched but instead of trying to yank his arm away rolled against Roach’s chest, still teasing, still trying to use Roach’s stupid attraction to his advantage. “I’m sorry. Can I do something for you so that you let me go?”

Too late for that. Roach’s walls were up. “You’ve messed with the wrong guy, motherfucker. What do you think this place is? You got a death wish?”

Zane rolled his eyes. “Please, what are you gonna tell your friends? That you blew a guy and he tried to rob you? Leave it, and let’s be done with it.”

Fury exploded in Roach’s chest. Not only was Zane now threatening him with outing, but also showed just how much he’d underestimated Roach. He grabbed Zane by the shoulders and shoved him at the door so hard the hinges creaked.

“I’m not fucking leaving it! Who do you think you are?” Roach’s face burned, his fists itched to punch all those mean words out of Zane. He fought for survival every day, and this one time he allowed himself to let go, the guy he’d trusted treated him like trash.

“What the hell’s going on there?” Hulk’s booming voice froze Roach’s blood. They’d almost been caught in the act, his body sandwiching Zane’s against the door as if they were about to start rutting again.

Then, a pounding that made Zane’s eyes open wider. The bastard was afraid now. And in that same moment, a hand cupped Roach’s cock.

“Come on,” Zane whispered in the softest voice, “We could go to that motel you wanted.”